I've realized that the middle of my nape is bald! On my new unit at that! That's where the shedding is occurring. I'm trying to debate on if I'm going to cut it in a upside down V or painstakingly reventilate the area myself. I'm leaning towards cutting the V. Once my own hair is longer, I can cover up the edges of the lace with my own curly hair. I'm not too worried. I don't know whether to blame Rex or what. My next unit will definitely be a stock, with the PU strips, not because I'm all of a sudden in love with PU, but that now I remove my units with the oil sheen (that's a revelation, like the iPod or caller ID). What's worse, is that now the new kitten, Dagny Taggart Sephora likes to sit on the back of the couch while I'm blogging and claw at my nape... not helping. She's doing it now... declawing sounds really good right about now. I've forgotten what having a kitten is like. I digress.
I just remembered... before I put this app on (last Saturday?), I loaded my hair with Silk Elements MegaSilk Moisturizing Treatment and wrapped my head in saran wrap. Then I put my sleep scarf on, and slept in a deep conditioning treatment overnight. My hair was really soft the next morning, then I put my lacefront on. I've decided that I'm transitioning to only wearing my own textlaxed hair... when it hits shoulder length.
Product Review: Ms. Lola's Cream Adhesive
Okay, we just got back from Napa/Sausalito and the verdict is in: Ms. Lola's Cream Adhesive is great, so far. I just put this app on Saturday, and so far, it's still tight. I can't believe how itcy the nape is - probably because of the WNST. I have to figure out if I'm just going to use skin protect for that area. It could also be the shaved part is growing back. I think I may let it grow back and put clips back in the units, especially since I'm on an all out hair growth extravaganza. Because the jar was so small (1 oz.) and so expensive (40 bucks), this will definitely be the touch up cream.
What I did for this app: 1 layer of WNST all around, except for ears and forehead; 1 layer of Vapon (let dry 10 minutes); 2 layers of Ms. Lola's Cream Adhesive, letting dry to clear.
Because the jar was so small (1 oz.) and so expensive (40 bucks), this will definitely be the touch up cream. Unless she comes down on the price, I will make this jar last. I need to do a water test on it. If it's just a plain ol' white adhesive (like Hair Direct White Adhesive)... there you go.
What I did for this app: 1 layer of WNST all around, except for ears and forehead; 1 layer of Vapon (let dry 10 minutes); 2 layers of Ms. Lola's Cream Adhesive, letting dry to clear.
Because the jar was so small (1 oz.) and so expensive (40 bucks), this will definitely be the touch up cream. Unless she comes down on the price, I will make this jar last. I need to do a water test on it. If it's just a plain ol' white adhesive (like Hair Direct White Adhesive)... there you go.
Overboard on the hair growth!
Herbal Essences Hello Hydration moisturizing conditioner
Okay, I know I'm going overboard on the hairgrowth/curly hair, but this is so exciting. I just removed the Rex virgin malaysian loose curly (to put it back on tomorrow). She shed like a MOFO. Her ends matted up something terrible. I didn't have any bleach/ammonia to do a bleach bath (duly noted). I've only had that happen to the kinky curly. I was beside myself today. It probably took me at least 30 minutes to CAREFULLY comb out that rats nest. I loaded her down with conditioner too. Now she's knot free and drying on the wighead. WHEW! Once my hair grows out, no more LFs... I don't know about that. That's kinda of drastic, but at the rate my hair is growing, I'm so hopeful and encouraged. I had to take pictures of my hair today because when I was about to CO-WASH for the first time, it was just curling up! I had to take pictures... and pictures, and pictures. I combed her out too. I should be ear length by December. I'm not going to textlax again until I can't see my scalp. Ba da da da da, I'm loving it!
Finesse Silk & Soy Beautiful Volume Conditioner as a leave-in.
I also promise not to take new pictures until next month, and once a month thereafter! I have a lot of straight ends that are needing to be cut once it grows out.
I've been referenced on another blog!
I was refenced at Newly Natural! How neat is that! It's fun to support other blogs, and get the same support in return.
I need to get cracking on my errands so I can come back and remove this unit. I'm putting it back on tomorrow after we go get the new addition to the family - a kitten! I'm still thinking of names, but I think I have to see her first. We're going to Napa on Sunday to celebrate our 1st year aniversary, and I want my hair to be fly!
I need to get cracking on my errands so I can come back and remove this unit. I'm putting it back on tomorrow after we go get the new addition to the family - a kitten! I'm still thinking of names, but I think I have to see her first. We're going to Napa on Sunday to celebrate our 1st year aniversary, and I want my hair to be fly!
Excited about my new direction!
I got conditioners recommended by Teri LaFlesh (Tightly Curly Hair). I got the Herbal Essences line: Break's Over (coco mango & pearls scent), Dangerously Straight (honeyed pear & silk scent), and Hello Hydration conditioner and the shampoo (orchid & coconut milk scent). I used the Dangerously Straight on the malaysian loose curly I'm wearing. It smells heavenly. I have yet to do my first co-wash. The loose curly seems like it's not budging. I was going to get the Kinky Curly pudding from a salon in my area, but I'm still debating if I'm brave enough to drive to an area I'm not familiar with. It's good to know that I can find it locally. I'm not going to get those products until I'm fully grown out. It makes no sense if I'm not wearing my hair out.
The big news is that I've made the decision to go to Cosmetology school. I don't know when or how, but I'm going to do it. My daughter just finished today and I'm so proud of her. She knows how much I love hair and she thinks it's a great idea. I'm really excited.
The big news is that I've made the decision to go to Cosmetology school. I don't know when or how, but I'm going to do it. My daughter just finished today and I'm so proud of her. She knows how much I love hair and she thinks it's a great idea. I'm really excited.
My Hair Idols - Yvette Nicole Brown & Rachel True

Yes, I'm still on my naturally curly hair kick. I found my hair idol's blogsite. Her name is Yvette Nicole Brown, and you all have seen her before, in commercials and movies. She's my Myspace and Facebook friend. Anyway, she did a really good blog on what she does to her hair: Questions About My Hair. My hair probably won't be that thick, but that's the curl it will have, if I can hang on. Lacefronts, don't fail me now. I'm also loving Rachel True's hair (she played in The Craft, among other things). I'm loving her color. I will channel the two.
I've found lots of sites and products today. It's going to be between Kinky Curly products and Miss Jessie's products. Everyone's complaining about Miss Jessie's prices, so in this recession, that may be the deciding factor. I've always been a lover of Finesse conditioners. I've got to also get used to the co-washing technique. All of this is still premature, as my hair is still in the embryonic stage. I'm just excited of the new direction.
Back on the Lace front (no pun intended), hunny bunny just brought home my Ms. Lola's Adhesive Cream. I'm not doing another app until either Friday or Saturday. I will definitely post results and pictures.
Getting Naturally Curly Obsessed!
Oh Lawd, I don' found Miss Jessie's website! I am really determined to grow out my natural hair. This website is really interesting, founded by Miko and Titi, two black/japanese women. The website is really professional, lively, informative, and fun. It makes me want to buy up everything they have. I'm jumping the gun though, my hair is probably not even an inch long yet. Now, I know that I'll be armed with what I need. I still can't get over what my curls looked like circa 2006. WHY did I ruin that beautiful texture? It was Eva-perfect. I can't really remember what I did to get it to that texture, I can't remember what I used... probably Optimum relaxer. I'm so glad I have the lace units to keep me from cutting my hair again. It's going to be hard not fooling with the texture as it grows out. I tend to be really impatient. I don't want to do another textlax until I get some significant new growth. I'm going to wear it in cornrows the majority of the time anyway. I hate my obsessive personality... I wish I obsessed about things that made me money.
I've found a number of natural/curly blogs that I've linked in the Link column. I'm also a new forum member on the Afrobella.com forum. I'll be lurking for awhile. I'm falling in love with the prospect of finally realizing that I'll be able to get past the Eva stage and can get to the Rachel True stage. Lace wigs or natural, it's all magic hair!
I've found a number of natural/curly blogs that I've linked in the Link column. I'm also a new forum member on the Afrobella.com forum. I'll be lurking for awhile. I'm falling in love with the prospect of finally realizing that I'll be able to get past the Eva stage and can get to the Rachel True stage. Lace wigs or natural, it's all magic hair!
Textlaxing is the new thing.
I found another forum on the BHM - Texturizers (I'm in lurk mode, scared to post). I've been doing this for years on my natural hair, going back to middle school when I used to steal my sister's PCJ. My brother used to do it also. My favorite period was in 2006. My texture was wonderful. My supervisor used to play with my curls - weird. I was trying to emulate Eva Marcille for awhile, dying it blondish.
Me in 2006

This is what I'm getting back to, but even longer, because I know how long my hair grows under my lacefronts (see new growth pictures). Right after the Big Chop in April, I went and got Silk Elements MegaSilk Relaxer System Regular Formula. I also use the Silk Elements MegaSilk Moisturizing Treatment when I take off my units and wash and condition my hair. I think so far, I've used it twice. I'll lay off until I get some unruly new growth. I don't want my ends straight, just close to the roots so the hair can stretch out. I never comb the relaxer through it, I just put it on and let it sit no more than 5 minutes. Once I get more new growth, then I'll only be doing the roots. Let the good times begin. I've always wanted to sit at the beach with my long natural hair blowing. Until then, viva la lacefronts!
Me in 2006
This is what I'm getting back to, but even longer, because I know how long my hair grows under my lacefronts (see new growth pictures). Right after the Big Chop in April, I went and got Silk Elements MegaSilk Relaxer System Regular Formula. I also use the Silk Elements MegaSilk Moisturizing Treatment when I take off my units and wash and condition my hair. I think so far, I've used it twice. I'll lay off until I get some unruly new growth. I don't want my ends straight, just close to the roots so the hair can stretch out. I never comb the relaxer through it, I just put it on and let it sit no more than 5 minutes. Once I get more new growth, then I'll only be doing the roots. Let the good times begin. I've always wanted to sit at the beach with my long natural hair blowing. Until then, viva la lacefronts!
A Better Application!
I redid my app today. Still wearing the Rex custom Virgin Malaysian Loose Curly. This is actually my 3rd app since receiving it. The STL app was crap (lol), and the 2nd half app was crazy (cut the front hairline while it was still attached in the back - kids, do not try that at home). Neither one of those apps were good enough for pictures. Finally, an app I'm happy with. I feel like I'm losing my touch. I more than made up for the lack of pics. I love this hair. I have to get a duplicate.
On the adhesive front, I used my usual: WNST with 2 layers of Vapon on top, and a light layer of HDWA on the Vapon. I missed the HDWA. I think I broke it out in honor of a new adhesive joining the LF caddy: Ms. Lola's Adhesive Cream. They're raving about it on the BHM forum. One user said her sister went to Ms. Lola's shop to get it and Ms. Lola herself opened the vault to get it out. Opened the vault! If it's clowning like that, I have to have it. It's coming with Vapon. Ms. Lola sells the cream with Vapon, calling it a "maximum hold duo". I had to have that. I just wish someone, some genius would invent a truly waterproof adhesive that doesn't turn white when water hits it and doesn't itch. It's all about money though.
On the adhesive front, I used my usual: WNST with 2 layers of Vapon on top, and a light layer of HDWA on the Vapon. I missed the HDWA. I think I broke it out in honor of a new adhesive joining the LF caddy: Ms. Lola's Adhesive Cream. They're raving about it on the BHM forum. One user said her sister went to Ms. Lola's shop to get it and Ms. Lola herself opened the vault to get it out. Opened the vault! If it's clowning like that, I have to have it. It's coming with Vapon. Ms. Lola sells the cream with Vapon, calling it a "maximum hold duo". I had to have that. I just wish someone, some genius would invent a truly waterproof adhesive that doesn't turn white when water hits it and doesn't itch. It's all about money though.
I'm Wearing The Malaysian
I'm in love with this Rex Malaysian Loose Curly. I wore it on my trip, and when I came home, I removed it, cleaned it (and my hair), and put it right back on. I had to cut in a new hairline last night... while it was still on my head. I'm pretty fearless when it comes to these units. I used HDWA again for the first time in a long time. I'm just looking for that ultra waterproof adhesive. I'm going to bite the bullet and get some Ms. Lola's Creme Adhesive. Everyone on the BHM is raving about it.
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