This very stylish evite from is what we all recieved from Harrod's Girl for her nice little gilmore girls dinner party. Isn't it super cute? Although the trouble with this evite is that one can easily mistaken it for junk mail. . . like I did.
But this evite, from is by far the most stylish evite I've recieved. Naturally being "evite".com they are the professionals. Not only do they have the most stylish graphics, but the best layouts. Because apart from the evite, you can also keep track of whose invited, whose coming and whose not. No RSVP emails needed!
But if your not holding a private party, but an all out everyone-whose-anyone-should-come party and your brilliant with html and website making, then the above invitation/website is very cool indeed. Great publicity, great graphics, great party. See you there girls!