Hair Update... hanging by a thread... no pun intended!

I'm so disgusted at myself, still. All this carnage (lol) is from when I "undyed" my hair with the hair remover, then turned around (because I forgot) and textlaxed, back in September (I think). I'm so tempted to chop it all down to the length in the back, but I just trimmed the right side (bottom pics). So basically, I have a bob... kinda. The curls are nice, and I can brush and gel it up and try to keep it moving. I could start over... but I'm going to hold on to it for as long as I can. I'm still dreaming of the Rex 12" malaysian that I'm going to try to slide in next pay period. I haven't had a wig on since maybe September or October. I may have to go back to them full time for the winter months, just to keep my head warm. I'll keep you posted.