While I was flipping through Teen Vogue a few months ago, it occured to me that it actually seems natural now to see Ked's shoes featured within the editorial content. But think back a few years ago, hardly anyone knew Ked's! I'm sure Keds was a well-known brand before, but let's face it, before Mischa started advertising for it, Ked's was no where near the fashion radar. But since the images of Mischa looking very cool in cute outfits and various pair of Ked's started appearing in Teen Vogue and other magazines, Keds just seemed more... attractive, at least on print it did.
Starting from Mischa's golden girl days at the OC.
So cute and pretty! Mischa looks like an effortless prom queen here.
Looking cool in a silk dress and Keds.
Keds for the fun-loving girl inside all of us.

This is one of this season's ads. I LOVE this image -a stylish student looking cool in the library. If only we all looked like that as a student!
Seeing Keds in real life though, is slightly disappointing. And perhaps most importantly, it is impossible for one to make Keds look cool, that is unless you wear clothes that really match Keds style, or you look as cool as Mischa does.