I missed the snow. I haven't seen snow in a year. We leisurely got through the snow and hit Los Angeles. I was so excited.
Hooray for Hollywood: Wednesday, Jan 20
Now my trip is a blur, but boy, did I have a blast. I'll still be adding to this particular topic as time goes on. First, we left on Wednesday, and headed into a blizzard, in the Mojave Desert:

I missed the snow. I haven't seen snow in a year. We leisurely got through the snow and hit Los Angeles. I was so excited.
I missed the snow. I haven't seen snow in a year. We leisurely got through the snow and hit Los Angeles. I was so excited.
Clips, Clips, and More Clips!
Two more video clips are added, and I'm adding wig clips into the nape of my curly unit. Only because my Hair Direct order (Vapon, White Adhesive, Walker and Super Tape) won't get here in time. I'm all set. My Delia's peacoat arrived today, and it's too cute. I didn't take my braids down, except for the perimeter braid. I washed my braids and now I'm letting them air dry. I'll spray some of the hair freshener on them just in case they're not dry tomorrow. Then I'll braid the perimeter again, apply the wigcap, apply the bandage wrap, and just attach the front. All is good on the lace front!
Recording the "Wait" video was almost on accident. I was in the zone. I tried to do Annie Lennox's "Why" and " Ingrid Michaelson's "The Way I Am", but I need to practice those more. I want to do Five For Fighting's "Superman", and Madonna's "Live To Tell" and "Gone". I also want to do Rush's "Armor and Sword" and "Resist". The list is long! I'm so excited, and the comments are encouraging. My sister told me to wear lipstick on the subsequent videos, so I figured, why not, plus the rocker girl hair! I'm having fun.
I'm excited about LA!
Recording the "Wait" video was almost on accident. I was in the zone. I tried to do Annie Lennox's "Why" and " Ingrid Michaelson's "The Way I Am", but I need to practice those more. I want to do Five For Fighting's "Superman", and Madonna's "Live To Tell" and "Gone". I also want to do Rush's "Armor and Sword" and "Resist". The list is long! I'm so excited, and the comments are encouraging. My sister told me to wear lipstick on the subsequent videos, so I figured, why not, plus the rocker girl hair! I'm having fun.
I'm excited about LA!
Mo'Nique is on her way!
I'm watching the Golden Globe Awards right now, and I'm so moved to tears, because Mo'Nique has won her second award (last night, she won the Critic's Choice award). I really want her to win the Oscar, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I remember how hard I cried when Halle won her Oscar. I was completely moved. I'm so moved, because I feel like the rest of the world, the universe is now recognizing that all people can act and entertain, not just the "select" few. I really hope she wins the Oscar.
Phase Two of World Domination.... Music!
As you all can see (per the new video posted), I have added music videos to my YouTube channel. I've been playing guitar and singing for a very long time, but never serious enough to put it on display. What kicked it into gear for me was seeing these young girls on Ellen (Degeneres) last week, playing guitar and singing the Lauryn Hill version of "Killing Me Softly". I hate all that affected singing, but that's just me. So I'm going to post me singing all my favorite songs, mostly 70's rock stuff. I'll throw in some unexpected treats along the way. I had to get used to the camera, and our camera is really neat, because the view thingy swivels around so you can see what you're doing. Next up is "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan, dedicated to the victims of the Haitian Earthquake (we donated $20 too).
The LA trip is next week. My coat should be here tomorrow. I was hoping my glue and tape from Hair Direct would be here before we left, but it's not. I'll have to milk this app for all it's worth, including many touchups. No major lifts yet, other than the nape right corner. The hair is performing spectacularly.
I'm still knitting Colbi's domino scarf. I'm trying to figure out what kind of scarf I want. I was going to do a scarf like the brown monster, but it's not working out in the stockinette stitch. I don't necessarily like garter stitch items. I'm pouring over some stitch books now. I may just do it in the domino motif too.
The LA trip is next week. My coat should be here tomorrow. I was hoping my glue and tape from Hair Direct would be here before we left, but it's not. I'll have to milk this app for all it's worth, including many touchups. No major lifts yet, other than the nape right corner. The hair is performing spectacularly.
I'm still knitting Colbi's domino scarf. I'm trying to figure out what kind of scarf I want. I was going to do a scarf like the brown monster, but it's not working out in the stockinette stitch. I don't necessarily like garter stitch items. I'm pouring over some stitch books now. I may just do it in the domino motif too.
Save Me From The Bleach!!!
Today's activities(I need a job so very badly):
This is what a Denman brush will do to curls (aka a visit to nirvana).
I will not allow this unit to tangle and matt up like a tribble! I think the Denman will protect me from mattation! Even with just a spritz of water, it instantly tames curls. I did put dollops of Herbal Essences Toussle Me Softly and Garnier Fructis Style Sleek & Shine Anti-Humidity Smoothing Milk and brushed it through. I don't think Garnier makes the Anti Frizz Serum anymore. We went to CVS last night. I have to get some hair stuff everytime we go.
Why did I purchase a TUB of bleaching powder (last year when I first bleached)? I have to have my beach hair. I'm obsessed with having my beach hair. During the bleaching of selected strands:
After the bleach:
I have beach hair now! I love how subtle it is, not obviously bleached, but maybe bleached by the sun, after a long day at the beach.
I'm backing away from the bleach, because too much bleach = tribble:
This is what a Denman brush will do to curls (aka a visit to nirvana).
Why did I purchase a TUB of bleaching powder (last year when I first bleached)? I have to have my beach hair. I'm obsessed with having my beach hair. During the bleaching of selected strands:
After the bleach:
I have beach hair now! I love how subtle it is, not obviously bleached, but maybe bleached by the sun, after a long day at the beach.
I'm backing away from the bleach, because too much bleach = tribble:

Knitting Along...
I finished the "brown monster" last night:

It took me exactly one month, from 12/11 to 1/11. I've started me one in light pink, to go with my peacoat. Anyway, I've started on Jarett's hat:
My Kindle skin came today:

Now she's ready to go to LA!
Okay, don't hate me, and I didn't want to admit it, but the sew in was a fail, for me. I took it out yesterday, and just did a glue/tape in. It wasn't as flat as I needed it to be. The concept still works, but I would actually have to custom order a unit to fit that braid, and maybe not so much hair out. I think if I get a frontal, it won't be full enough. Back to the drawing board!
It took me exactly one month, from 12/11 to 1/11. I've started me one in light pink, to go with my peacoat. Anyway, I've started on Jarett's hat:
My Kindle skin came today:
Now she's ready to go to LA!
Okay, don't hate me, and I didn't want to admit it, but the sew in was a fail, for me. I took it out yesterday, and just did a glue/tape in. It wasn't as flat as I needed it to be. The concept still works, but I would actually have to custom order a unit to fit that braid, and maybe not so much hair out. I think if I get a frontal, it won't be full enough. Back to the drawing board!
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...
I just received my Kindle case today (probably in the mailbox since yesterday):

The skin comes probably tomorrow. I love my Kindle. It's so convenient to take into the restroom, and bust a few lines... I'm keeping it real. I'm re-reading Gone With The Wind.
Yesterday, me and my boyfriend went to the San Jose Car Show. It was fun to see all those exotic cars. I saw my dream car there:

It's an Aston Martin DB9. That's all that needs to be said of this car.
On the knitting front, I'm almost done with the brown monster. I've started on the last skein. Next up is Jarett's hat, then Colbi's scarf, then the hooded Cowl, then... lol.
I'm still getting used to this curly hair. The hair loves the Denman brush. It's easily tamed with the Denman. I want to cut some layers in the front, which I'll probably do this week. I may take a couple of strands and blonde them out. Stay tuned!
The skin comes probably tomorrow. I love my Kindle. It's so convenient to take into the restroom, and bust a few lines... I'm keeping it real. I'm re-reading Gone With The Wind.
Yesterday, me and my boyfriend went to the San Jose Car Show. It was fun to see all those exotic cars. I saw my dream car there:

It's an Aston Martin DB9. That's all that needs to be said of this car.
On the knitting front, I'm almost done with the brown monster. I've started on the last skein. Next up is Jarett's hat, then Colbi's scarf, then the hooded Cowl, then... lol.
I'm still getting used to this curly hair. The hair loves the Denman brush. It's easily tamed with the Denman. I want to cut some layers in the front, which I'll probably do this week. I may take a couple of strands and blonde them out. Stay tuned!
The New Videos Are Done!
The sew on videos are done and uploaded (see above). I'm really happy with the results. I pulled it up into a high ponytail and put my velcro wrap on last night and slept on it. I didn''t even comb it or take it out of the ponytail today. I'm still mulling over if I'm going to thin it out with my thinning shears. I don't know... secretly, I'm loving the volume!
I must finish knitting! I'm almost finished with Jeri's scarf. One more skein...
The Sew In Project Is Done!
This was such a challenge, because I didn't want to cut this lovely wig. I had to fold it twice and sew it onto itself. It's not neat and tidy, like I need it to be, and I'm still getting used to the hair. Since it's malaysian, it shouldn't get too poofy. The video is so long, and I haven't begun to edit it yet. I also cornrowed my hair in very small braids, so this is going to be on for awhile, or as long as I can stand it. More on this later, I'm exhausted.
Thus, taking the Lace Wig Game to the Next Level
Or would this be going backwards, because I'll be treating it like a sew in weave? I received the Rex Virgin Malaysian Curly 1B/4 just about half an hour ago. I have to say that it is much longer than I thought it would be, which is a great thing. Maybe my math is wrong in calculating 14". The only thing I don't like about it is the color 4 part:

I'm going to use the Honey Brown on both the unit and my own hair, for a better match:

I'm anxious about how I'm going to sew it on. I see the process in my mind, but this is so uncharted territory. I may not even darken the lace, as it blends well into the tan wigcap (see above pic). As for the coloring process, I'm definitely going to leave some of the #4 showing. This should be interesting.
On the Kindle front, I'm so in love with it. It's so thin, I'm scared to handle it. It really needs its case and skin. I loaded up all my digital media last night, but I have Gone With The Wind on there three times, so I've got to delete it. I wish it had more memory, but oh well. The text-to-speech feature is really cool, and the audiobooks I have loaded sound great. So far, I'm very happy with it. My boyfriend is so good to me, so I have to be good to him (and I have been the past 3 or 4 nights!)
I'm going to use the Honey Brown on both the unit and my own hair, for a better match:
I'm anxious about how I'm going to sew it on. I see the process in my mind, but this is so uncharted territory. I may not even darken the lace, as it blends well into the tan wigcap (see above pic). As for the coloring process, I'm definitely going to leave some of the #4 showing. This should be interesting.
On the Kindle front, I'm so in love with it. It's so thin, I'm scared to handle it. It really needs its case and skin. I loaded up all my digital media last night, but I have Gone With The Wind on there three times, so I've got to delete it. I wish it had more memory, but oh well. The text-to-speech feature is really cool, and the audiobooks I have loaded sound great. So far, I'm very happy with it. My boyfriend is so good to me, so I have to be good to him (and I have been the past 3 or 4 nights!)
What else can I say???? (the following is a happiness rant)
Baby has done it again! I have the best, most loving boyfriend in the universe! All the while I've been whining about wanting a Kindle, and he bought one for me! I think it was purchased when I made the first Kindle blog (see below). I'm ashamed for all the pouting I was doing. I love him so much!
It's already filled up with all the digital media I have (all the free books I've downloaded, all my Audible.com audio books, and select mp3s -
so far, the Snakes & Arrows cd, the Sara Bareilles cd, and You Remind Me - Royskopp). It would have been neat if it had an SD card slot. Books that I read can always be deleted. It's like an iPod for books! I have to be the best girlfriend I can be from here on out!
On the hair front, okay, I know I said I wouldn't do a textlax touchup until April (ha!). I started thinking that I would receive my custom sometime this week (it's in route now, already in Memphis, from China!). As unruly as my new growth was, I couldn't see it blending in to the malaysian hair, so I had to do it:
As you can see, I didn't over do it. I actually microwaved the 'laxer until it was pourable, and poured it into my Sally's bottle with the spout. I believe this was the concoction with the olive oil mixed in. I combed through the roots a little bit. Once I get the unit, I'll look at the color, then determine if I need to comb the Honey Brown rinse on my hair to match the unit. Stay tuned for the sewing in of the new unit. I'm going to video the process. Lord, please let it all blend.
Yes, I'm still knitting on the brown monster (aka Jeri's scarf - two more skeins). After Colbi's Domino scarf, I'm going to do Jeri's scarf for myself in a pink sport weight yarn knit on size 9 circulars, for a more lacy effect. I still have a knit-for-hire hooded cowl, slippers to make, and a shawl for my friend Suzanne. Whew! But I love it!
What an exciting week so far!
The Kindle Obsession!
Okay, I could have sworn he said "since we can't get new phones (because the internet service is so expensive), you can get a Kindle." I don't think my ears deceived me. It has not since been brought up. He just bought a car, and I don't want to add to his burdens, BUT if I'm to get any tax money back (which I don't think I will), it will go to pay to get my car registered. I WANT A KINDLE!!! I saw some really neat Kindle skins, and I saw a (Sex And The City) pink Kindle case that must go with it. I would start my Kindle collection with my Audible.com books that I already purchased back in 2007 (I hope I can still get into that account). So far, he hasn't brought it back up, and I'm very mopey, almost depressively mopey. Before he came along (and I was working, of course), I had a cool phone, and probably would have the Kindle by now. Lord, please will a Kindle in my life, or lay a job in my lap (preferrably call center 'cause I'm so good at customer service, although I still wish to work at any Walgreen's, in the beauty area). I want a Kindle really badly. I'm having a gadget meltdown!
The Amazon Kindle... I want one!
I want an Amazon Kindle... I've talked myself into wanting an Amazon Kindle... the iPod for books (and you can play mp3s and audiobooks on it too). I'm putting it into the universe...
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