Baby has done it again! I have the best, most loving boyfriend in the universe! All the while I've been whining about wanting a Kindle, and he bought one for me! I think it was purchased when I made the first Kindle blog (see below). I'm ashamed for all the pouting I was doing. I love him so much!
It's already filled up with all the digital media I have (all the free books I've downloaded, all my audio books, and select mp3s -
so far, the Snakes & Arrows cd, the Sara Bareilles cd, and You Remind Me - Royskopp). It would have been neat if it had an SD card slot. Books that I read can always be deleted. It's like an iPod for books! I have to be the best girlfriend I can be from here on out!
On the hair front, okay, I know I said I wouldn't do a textlax touchup until April (ha!). I started thinking that I would receive my custom sometime this week (it's in route now, already in Memphis, from China!). As unruly as my new growth was, I couldn't see it blending in to the malaysian hair, so I had to do it:
As you can see, I didn't over do it. I actually microwaved the 'laxer until it was pourable, and poured it into my Sally's bottle with the spout. I believe this was the concoction with the olive oil mixed in. I combed through the roots a little bit. Once I get the unit, I'll look at the color, then determine if I need to comb the Honey Brown rinse on my hair to match the unit. Stay tuned for the sewing in of the new unit. I'm going to video the process. Lord, please let it all blend.
Yes, I'm still knitting on the brown monster (aka Jeri's scarf - two more skeins). After Colbi's Domino scarf, I'm going to do Jeri's scarf for myself in a pink sport weight yarn knit on size 9 circulars, for a more lacy effect. I still have a knit-for-hire hooded cowl, slippers to make, and a shawl for my friend Suzanne. Whew! But I love it!
What an exciting week so far!