I couldn't comb through my hair this morning! It hurt so much. I know that I wanted to wait until April to textlax, but I had to! With my hair growing as much as it is, I think I have to text every month. I had to do it twice, because it didn't relax as much as I wanted it to. Here are the results (my hair is still wet):
From now on, that's going to be my sign - not being able to feel my scalp and not being able to comb my hair. I'm loving the length. I'm getting some nice hang time.
On the knitting front, I decided to do another neck warmer in navy blue, and I revised the pattern. I'm using size 10 needles, and medium (#4) yarn, and I had to do the gauge math to figure out how many stitches to cast on to get the same size. So far so good:
I'm also doing it in the round so I don't have to sew any seams. I wanted it to be reversible, but some of the yarn had knots in it and they show through on the "wrong" side. I hate sewing seams, and anytime I can convert a pattern, I'm on it!
Making progress on the Carrie/Episode 88 sweater. I've seperated for the armholes, the back, and the two fronts. It's so heavy and awkward, that I'm only going to do one section at a time.