I'm a published writer! I can't even describe the feeling. I think once I see the Amazon.com page with my book and the "add to cart" button, then I'll cry. There's nothing like holding this book in my hands though. I've got two more proofs to see, and I actually jumped the gun on this one. I should have waited for this one before I reuploaded the book file for the second proof, because I could have added onto that one the minor changes I made. I think the font size is too big on the back. I'm still working on the final proof, but I won't reupload the file until the second proof is in my hands. It's all happening! I think I may be two weeks away from the book being on sale. Stay tuned!
The 1st Proof!!!
I'm a published writer! I can't even describe the feeling. I think once I see the Amazon.com page with my book and the "add to cart" button, then I'll cry. There's nothing like holding this book in my hands though. I've got two more proofs to see, and I actually jumped the gun on this one. I should have waited for this one before I reuploaded the book file for the second proof, because I could have added onto that one the minor changes I made. I think the font size is too big on the back. I'm still working on the final proof, but I won't reupload the file until the second proof is in my hands. It's all happening! I think I may be two weeks away from the book being on sale. Stay tuned!
I'm More Than Excited!
The proof is on its way to me! I should have it within 2 weeks (maybe sooner). I have the link to the book already: Magic Hair. I'm so excited. I'm going to link this sucka any and everywhere I can. I'm obsessed with my page; I can't stop looking at it. Stay tuned!
Things Are Moving Right Along!
The book was approved by the publisher (CreateSpace - still a publisher to me). The dpi was too low on all of the pictures, so I skipped receiving a proof, re-scaled all of the pictures in GIMP, put back the ones I took out, added a few things here and there, and re-uploaded the PDF. The members of CreateSpace's forum are so helpful. I almost wanted to include in my acknowledgements two of the people that really helped me with my photos. Hopefully, I'll get an email tomorrow telling me the proof is ready. I'm so excited. I have a feeling that I'm going to experience a little hateration from the BHM, but I don't care. This is my experience. I had to give a visual shout out to my favorite show - Sex & The City; the cover of my book is SATC pink! I'm so excited. I hope people buy it. If the ventilating DVD is $50, I think $14.99 is reasonable for lace wig knowledge. I'm broke and I'd buy it, lol. It should be available at Amazon.com, and other outlets. Stay tuned.
In lace wig news, I've officially killed my new Rex virgin Malaysian curly. I don't even want to talk about it. I should have just ordered a virgin Malaysian loose curly. Other than my own hair, I'm never ordering tight curlies again. Instead of throwing the hair away, I'm going to use it to ventilate the front of my wig.
In lace wig news, I've officially killed my new Rex virgin Malaysian curly. I don't even want to talk about it. I should have just ordered a virgin Malaysian loose curly. Other than my own hair, I'm never ordering tight curlies again. Instead of throwing the hair away, I'm going to use it to ventilate the front of my wig.
I'm So Excited!!!
To quote one of my favorite movies, Almost Famous, "it's all happening!" The book is finished, as of right now! The name of the book is Magic Hair: My Experiences with Lace Wigs. I've added the last of the pictures just now. I made a Picasa photo album of all the photos in the book, since the book is black & white - the link is to the right >>>>. I'm so EVERYTHING! I didn't think that my first book would be a reference book, but here it is. Now I send it to CreateSpace, and do the "proof dance". After that stage, it will be published. I prefer the POD route, because I don't want to be saddled with a hundred books in my trunk. I'm beyond excited. Stay tuned for the link to buy the book. Please buy the book... was that wrong for me to say that?
Here's an update on the Caruso curlers:

I love the steam curlers. It's cool to use them as you're getting ready. You can do your makeup while you're waiting for the curls to set. A light spray of the TRESsemme Tres Two hairspray, and you're done.
We're going to the beach for the first time this season, so I'm putting the curly back on. I'm going to cut the horrific bangs off, and cut the unit like I said I wouldn't do (I always do what I say I won't do). I'm going to cut the wig tomorrow (too tired and a little drunk right now) and sew it on. It's a beast though... whew. I've gotten wind of another band wagon - Eqyss Survivor Super Detangler and Cowboy Magic Detangler. I don't have it yet. I'm going to wait.
I'm also going to learn how to ventilate wigs, so I can eventually make my own. I'm so excited. So much is happening!
Stay tuned!
Here's an update on the Caruso curlers:
I love the steam curlers. It's cool to use them as you're getting ready. You can do your makeup while you're waiting for the curls to set. A light spray of the TRESsemme Tres Two hairspray, and you're done.
We're going to the beach for the first time this season, so I'm putting the curly back on. I'm going to cut the horrific bangs off, and cut the unit like I said I wouldn't do (I always do what I say I won't do). I'm going to cut the wig tomorrow (too tired and a little drunk right now) and sew it on. It's a beast though... whew. I've gotten wind of another band wagon - Eqyss Survivor Super Detangler and Cowboy Magic Detangler. I don't have it yet. I'm going to wait.
I'm also going to learn how to ventilate wigs, so I can eventually make my own. I'm so excited. So much is happening!
Stay tuned!
I've Been Hit By a Bolt of Lightning!
I was having dinner with LOML the other night, and it hit me: I should write a book about my experiences with lace wigs! Actually, the seed was planted by my beautiful daughter about a week ago. She was telling me all the horror stories about unexperienced stylists jacking up people's lace wigs and charging them an arm and a leg, and that there were times when she wanted to call me for advice. Then I thought about all the questions I get regarding lace wigs. It all came together. I started writing on the 13th. I got permissions from Rex, Ms Lola, Hair Direct, and Annette. I'm still waiting on Russ (BHM) and The Lace Wig Connection. I'm trying to keep it as generic as possible. It's flowing out of me. I'm already on chapter 2. It's practically writing itself. I'm so excited. There is a need for this book. Stay tuned.
A Bright Idea!
I removed the curly unit. I'm so mad at myself for cutting the bangs. It dawned on me that I can remove the clips from the back and wear the back as the front (that's how it's drying on the wighead now). I will have to do something that I don't really want to - bleach the knots. The knots are very dark. I still want to get a virgin malaysian frontal from Rex, and enduring the shedding from the seams where I'll sew it on. All is not lost on this unit.
I put the Virgin Malaysian straight back on. The app looks really good. I will play with my Caruso Molecular Ion Steam setter tomorrow:

The container is much smaller than I wanted it to be. I was confused on which one to get. The other one doesn't have the Ion position. I don't know if that's good or bad. I think the other one is bigger. I will definitely update with pictures tomorrow.
I put the Virgin Malaysian straight back on. The app looks really good. I will play with my Caruso Molecular Ion Steam setter tomorrow:

The container is much smaller than I wanted it to be. I was confused on which one to get. The other one doesn't have the Ion position. I don't know if that's good or bad. I think the other one is bigger. I will definitely update with pictures tomorrow.
Mo'Nique won the Oscar!

I am so happy for her. There may be a lot of haters, but I've been a fan of Mo'Nique for a long time. The movie was disturbing, and I haven't seen The Blind Side, to say if I think Sandra Bullock should have won instead of newcomer Gabby Sidibe (I love Sandra Bullock too - she was wonderful in Hope Floats). Sam Jackson rolling his eyes... Sam, don't hate the player, hate the game! I agree that Sam should have won for A Time To Kill. That's just the politics of Hollywood.
Congratulations Mo!
On the lace front, I took the CreaClip to my malaysian curly, and I'm pretty sure I cut the bangs too short... even shorter than the photo below. It came to me that I'm going to have to email Rex and price out a virgin malaysin closure. I'm going to cut around the bangs section, and sew the closure on. I may sew some more onto the back. This lace wig thing is driving me crazy.
Friday's Activities
This week's app, from start to finish. The picture with the white is my MegaTek application in the parts. Yes, I used the CreaClip on my bangs. I think it looks more flirty and modern. Peep the green/brown eye makeup! I'm getting better with it. My baby took me out on a date tonight, hence the makeup.
I got my Caruso steamer today! That was the fastest shipping, but I think the place I ordered it from is in the same state I am. I won't be able to test it out until maybe 2 weeks from now. I had to get extra jumbo rollers (2 packs). I can't wait. Stay tuned.
What A Week, So Far!
combed out:
I'm waiting on my hair, and my curly malaysian to dry, before I re-braid my hair and immediately do another app. I darkened the curly up a bit with the Clairol Beautiful rinse in Honey Brown - my favorite color. I updated my grow out timeline with a March picture that was taken yesterday, right after I unbraided my hair, before it was washed. It looks shorter than the February picture, but trust me, it's not. The pictures posted above shows nice hang time. As long as I can keep it hidden, I should hit my hair growth goal.
Also, I ordered the Caruso C97958 Professional ION Steam Hairsetter yesterday. It should be here on Monday. Someone on the BHM posted a YouTube video of a woman demonstrating the product, and her hair was gorgeous. I had to have it. If it will give me 'Gretchen Rossi hair' (I saw her using curlers on a RHOOC episode), I'm all for it. I'll be using this on my virgin malaysian straight, of course. Stay tuned.
Well, I started the P90X Lean Program yesterday. I was able to get through the 5 minute warmup, and 34 minutes of Core Synergistics. I'm that out of shape, plus I haven't worked out since last year, when I popped something in my knee while playing tennis (I was walking at the time too). It says I should complete the Slim In 6 program, but I don't have it. Anyway, I am so sore just from what I did yesterday. Today is supposed to be Cardio X. I don't know if I can get off the couch. My butt and thighs are so sore. It's a good pain though. I think I'm going to lightly do what I can, until I become fit enough to complete the program. Food-wise, since we already eat healthy foods, we just have to concentrate on smaller portions. It's going to be hard, but I must push onward.
I'm waiting on my hair, and my curly malaysian to dry, before I re-braid my hair and immediately do another app. I darkened the curly up a bit with the Clairol Beautiful rinse in Honey Brown - my favorite color. I updated my grow out timeline with a March picture that was taken yesterday, right after I unbraided my hair, before it was washed. It looks shorter than the February picture, but trust me, it's not. The pictures posted above shows nice hang time. As long as I can keep it hidden, I should hit my hair growth goal.
Also, I ordered the Caruso C97958 Professional ION Steam Hairsetter yesterday. It should be here on Monday. Someone on the BHM posted a YouTube video of a woman demonstrating the product, and her hair was gorgeous. I had to have it. If it will give me 'Gretchen Rossi hair' (I saw her using curlers on a RHOOC episode), I'm all for it. I'll be using this on my virgin malaysian straight, of course. Stay tuned.
Well, I started the P90X Lean Program yesterday. I was able to get through the 5 minute warmup, and 34 minutes of Core Synergistics. I'm that out of shape, plus I haven't worked out since last year, when I popped something in my knee while playing tennis (I was walking at the time too). It says I should complete the Slim In 6 program, but I don't have it. Anyway, I am so sore just from what I did yesterday. Today is supposed to be Cardio X. I don't know if I can get off the couch. My butt and thighs are so sore. It's a good pain though. I think I'm going to lightly do what I can, until I become fit enough to complete the program. Food-wise, since we already eat healthy foods, we just have to concentrate on smaller portions. It's going to be hard, but I must push onward.
Thumbs Up for the CreaClip!
See the video above, and pictures are worth a thousand words:
After the 1st cut with the large white clip, yesterday:
Then this morning, it seemed like every media image thrown at me was of the long layered bang. So I got the smaller blue clip out, and with my hair cutting scissors, I made ONLY one slightly diagonal cut:

From now on, every straight unit I get will be introduced to my CreaClips! I love this product. For $36.95 (price includes s/h), you can't beat this! I like that you can slide the clip to where you want. It's hard to mess up with these clips. I wanted my bangs to hit my chin, and they do! For the bulk cut yesterday, as in the video above, I just made 2 cuts, only because I was nervous the first time, and I didn't want to cut too much. You can always cut more, but you can't add it back! I loved cutting it with the clippers, but this morning, I used my scissors, and I cut straight across. I don't like the vertical cutting - blame it on my Asperger's.
Thumbs up across the board - the pictures are the proof! The link to CreaClip has been officially added to my Hot Links.
After the 1st cut with the large white clip, yesterday:
Then this morning, it seemed like every media image thrown at me was of the long layered bang. So I got the smaller blue clip out, and with my hair cutting scissors, I made ONLY one slightly diagonal cut:
From now on, every straight unit I get will be introduced to my CreaClips! I love this product. For $36.95 (price includes s/h), you can't beat this! I like that you can slide the clip to where you want. It's hard to mess up with these clips. I wanted my bangs to hit my chin, and they do! For the bulk cut yesterday, as in the video above, I just made 2 cuts, only because I was nervous the first time, and I didn't want to cut too much. You can always cut more, but you can't add it back! I loved cutting it with the clippers, but this morning, I used my scissors, and I cut straight across. I don't like the vertical cutting - blame it on my Asperger's.
Thumbs up across the board - the pictures are the proof! The link to CreaClip has been officially added to my Hot Links.
Hall & Oates is the BIZNESS!
Still grieving for T-Bone. My way of mourning is to break out my Hall & Oates stash. I cleaned up my iPod info with the correct album names and year released. I have duplicates, but for them (I don't care). My favorite songs (by album and year):
X-Static, 1979: Wait For Me (very Todd Rundgren-esque)
Voices, 1980: Kiss On My List, You Make My Dreams (perfect pop songs, PERFECT)
Private Eyes, 1981 - the whole album. Standouts: Unguarded Minute, Did It In A Minute, Head Above Water
H2O, 1983 - the whole album. Standouts: Go Solo, Open All Night, Delayed Reaction, Guessing Games.
Rock N Soul, Part 1, 1983 - Say It Isn't So (my most favorite H&O song)
Big, Bam, Boom, 1984 - the whole album. Standouts: Method of Modern Love, Some Things
Three Hearts, 1986 (Daryl solo): Foolish Pride, Someone Like You
Ooh Yeah!, 1988: the whole album. Standouts: Downtown Life, Rocket to God, Talking All Night
Believe it or not, my musical tastes went in a different direction after 1988. During the period of 1979-1988, they were on FIRE! Tight rhythm section, and that driving bass. There was just enough keyboards, but not enough to deem them a "keyboard band." Believe it or not, no auto-tune. Just real butt shaking music. Daryl's voice was like silk. I will always love this music. Now I have to figure out what song of theirs I'm going to cover.
X-Static, 1979: Wait For Me (very Todd Rundgren-esque)
Voices, 1980: Kiss On My List, You Make My Dreams (perfect pop songs, PERFECT)
Private Eyes, 1981 - the whole album. Standouts: Unguarded Minute, Did It In A Minute, Head Above Water
H2O, 1983 - the whole album. Standouts: Go Solo, Open All Night, Delayed Reaction, Guessing Games.
Rock N Soul, Part 1, 1983 - Say It Isn't So (my most favorite H&O song)
Big, Bam, Boom, 1984 - the whole album. Standouts: Method of Modern Love, Some Things
Three Hearts, 1986 (Daryl solo): Foolish Pride, Someone Like You
Ooh Yeah!, 1988: the whole album. Standouts: Downtown Life, Rocket to God, Talking All Night
Believe it or not, my musical tastes went in a different direction after 1988. During the period of 1979-1988, they were on FIRE! Tight rhythm section, and that driving bass. There was just enough keyboards, but not enough to deem them a "keyboard band." Believe it or not, no auto-tune. Just real butt shaking music. Daryl's voice was like silk. I will always love this music. Now I have to figure out what song of theirs I'm going to cover.
A Sad Day In Music
There are tears in my eyes as I write this blog. I have to pay homage to this man, one of my FAVORITE bass players of all time (Geddy Lee, Chuck Rainey, Chris Squire, and Andrew Gibson being the other 4). He was the bass player on many, many songs, by many artists, but his fingers drove the funk in the Hall & Oates sound. I did get the pleasure of seeing him play live, for their 1983 tour and their 1988 Ooh Yeah tour. I also have a DVD recording of them from last year at some resort. His bass playing stands out most to me on "Say It Isn't So". Everyone knows his driving rhythms on "Maneater". Another favorite bass line for me is "Method Of Modern Love". He worked it out. His bass lines made you want to dance. He was a funky ass bass player. He was always my bass player in my dream band, moving in his cool way, providing that bottom that I could assuredly rely on. He's one person I wish I had the chance to meet. His music will always live on for me.
My prayers go out to his family, and to Daryl and John. He definitely will be missed, but for me, not forgotten.
My prayers go out to his family, and to Daryl and John. He definitely will be missed, but for me, not forgotten.
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