I am so happy for her. There may be a lot of haters, but I've been a fan of Mo'Nique for a long time. The movie was disturbing, and I haven't seen The Blind Side, to say if I think Sandra Bullock should have won instead of newcomer Gabby Sidibe (I love Sandra Bullock too - she was wonderful in Hope Floats). Sam Jackson rolling his eyes... Sam, don't hate the player, hate the game! I agree that Sam should have won for A Time To Kill. That's just the politics of Hollywood.
Congratulations Mo!
On the lace front, I took the CreaClip to my malaysian curly, and I'm pretty sure I cut the bangs too short... even shorter than the photo below. It came to me that I'm going to have to email Rex and price out a virgin malaysin closure. I'm going to cut around the bangs section, and sew the closure on. I may sew some more onto the back. This lace wig thing is driving me crazy.