I'm about to do another app. I washed my hair last night and took pictures, but these aren't official April pics. I'm going to wait until April 19th - the official 1year anniversary of the Big Chop. I'm also textlaxing on that day. I'm in love with my hair!
Today Should Be the Day!
I'm waiting on the mailman to deliver the last proof. It should be perfect. I've put up all the links, but the cart isn't ready, because they're still waiting on me to approve the proof. I want to so badly, but I don't want to, and then I see a glaring typo in the book. How embarrassing. I'll update in a couple of hours.
I'm about to do another app. I washed my hair last night and took pictures, but these aren't official April pics. I'm going to wait until April 19th - the official 1year anniversary of the Big Chop. I'm also textlaxing on that day. I'm in love with my hair!
I'm about to do another app. I washed my hair last night and took pictures, but these aren't official April pics. I'm going to wait until April 19th - the official 1year anniversary of the Big Chop. I'm also textlaxing on that day. I'm in love with my hair!