It's project day! Andrew has turned our kitchen into a microbrewery, and I've immersed myself into becoming a wig master. My canvas head, needles and needle holders came yesterday. The needles are so tiny:
I got the canvas head and needles/holder from His & Hers ( The ventilation video is great. They teach you four types of knots: single, double, split, and double split knots. The rest of my supplies should be coming within the week: a set of drawing cards from His & Hers; virgin indian and virgin malaysian hair from Rex; straight pins, tack hammer, magnifying lamp, and clear thread from; I still need swiss lace (from ebay) and blue craft paper (from Beverly's). I need to fill in the bald spots on my CLW virgin indian. The first two full wigs will be mine. Then I'll make up about 5 to start off with. Only virgin indian and virgin malaysian.
I like my hair today:
I keep going to the Nexxus Humectress bottle, because it has a pump. I'm running out though... and the bottle was around $32. I'm going to use the Mane N Tail in the pump bottle next. I'm making a promise to myself to use up all my conditioners before I buy something new. Yesterday, I was able to part it down the center, spray it with my conditioner/water mixture, and with the Denman 7, brush it into two low curly puffs. I didn't take pictures. I'm loving the versatility.
I'm going to take a nap!
"You take a nap-a, you don't move to Napa!" - Carrie Bradshaw, SATC