So much has happened since my last post. Most importantly, I am now gainfully employed. At this time I won't reveal my employer, but suffice it to say, I'm very happy. Great pay, great benefits, my own cubicle. To some, this may seem like a prison, but to someone who's not worked since April 2008, it's like I've hit the lottery. Funny thing is, I wore my Indian Remy Body Wave during the interview process, but as soon as I got hired, I've worn my own hair. It's too stressful to be worried about if my app is clowing during training, and I didn 't feel like having to explain my hair situation. More on my hair situation in a minute.

I'm so happy that my favorite band, Rush, was inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame on June 25, 2010. I wish I could have been there to see it. Their movie "Beyond the Lighted Stage" came on VH1 Classic yesterday, and it was wonderful. Andrew ordered it from I love Rush, and I'm so proud of my tattoos. I'm still wearing my Indian Remy Body Wave to that concert, and if people at work trip, I'll just say it's my "concert" hair.
We also got new phones this weekend. We got (2 for 1) the LG Ally. It's a touch screen with all the doodads, more than I need, of course. I want some games (Monopoly), so I'll have to get my whine on.
Back to my hair... so after I was offered the job, I decided to refresh my hair color, and to cover my grays (for a more conservative look). I decided on (box color) L'Oreal Preference Dark Ash Blonde... guess what color it decided to be? JET BLACK!!!!
What the F??? So after wearing it like that for a week, I decided that jet black is too dark for me, for the summer. So yesterday, I made my monthly pilgrammage to Sally's Beauty, and I got Color Fix (Jherri Redding). Today, I attacked my problem. It was pretty easy - mix step 1 and step 2 in equal parts and apply. Put a plastic cap on and wait for 30 minutes. Then shampoo out. A nice bright orange:
Then add step 3 (the processing lotion), wait for 5 minutes, then rinse out. The processing lotion turned it from fire orange to a nice medium brown:
Then I decided to re-dye my hair Dark Warm Blonde (Ion Color Brilliance Demi Permanent Creme Hair Color) and guess what color it came out to be? You guessed it, BLACK!!! Again!!!
So immediately, I blow dried my hair and started over. I'm lucky that I didn't use all the remover solutions. I did it again, but this time, I was too scared to re-dye my hair. After the processing lotion step (which turns it medium brown), I rinsed it and left it the medium brown:
Whew! So I have Silk Elements Luxuy Moisturizing Conditioner in my hair right now. My hair doesn't feel over processed, and it's still curly. What a disaster, but it turned out okay. I used to be a pro at coloring my hair, but today, my skills are in question. None of my hair came out, so I guess that I won...
What the F??? So after wearing it like that for a week, I decided that jet black is too dark for me, for the summer. So yesterday, I made my monthly pilgrammage to Sally's Beauty, and I got Color Fix (Jherri Redding). Today, I attacked my problem. It was pretty easy - mix step 1 and step 2 in equal parts and apply. Put a plastic cap on and wait for 30 minutes. Then shampoo out. A nice bright orange:
Then add step 3 (the processing lotion), wait for 5 minutes, then rinse out. The processing lotion turned it from fire orange to a nice medium brown:
Then I decided to re-dye my hair Dark Warm Blonde (Ion Color Brilliance Demi Permanent Creme Hair Color) and guess what color it came out to be? You guessed it, BLACK!!! Again!!!
So immediately, I blow dried my hair and started over. I'm lucky that I didn't use all the remover solutions. I did it again, but this time, I was too scared to re-dye my hair. After the processing lotion step (which turns it medium brown), I rinsed it and left it the medium brown:
Whew! So I have Silk Elements Luxuy Moisturizing Conditioner in my hair right now. My hair doesn't feel over processed, and it's still curly. What a disaster, but it turned out okay. I used to be a pro at coloring my hair, but today, my skills are in question. None of my hair came out, so I guess that I won...
We got a treadmill this week also, so the weight WILL come off. We've been walking almost everyday but we're going hard core with the treadmill.
I still haven't gotten a grip of this past week. Maybe that's good that I haven't been able to think about it so much... might freak myself out. I'm reading Dale Carnegie's books (How to Win Friends, and The 5 People Skills). I want to be good at this job... not conquer the world, but help people.