Maybe I can cut bangs into my virgin malaysian straight I still have.
I can't tell if the Aphogee 2 Step Treatment is working. I did it last Sunday, and my hair is still coming out, but not as much. I'm wondering how long does it take to kick in. The instructions says not to reapply it for another 6 weeks, so I'm going to leave well enough alone. I made a hair calendar that has when I should do the protein treatments, and when I should textlax. I'm determined to stick to it. Maybe I can soften up my new growth in between textlaxing. Speaking of textlaxing, I'm not due until November. I should have enough new growth by then. I may even carry it over into the new year. I've learned my lesson with being hair-bored. If I get bored again, I'll slap on a LF.
I've started my moisture regimen. I've been alternating every day between Mane N Tail Deep Moisture conditioner, Aussie Moist, Nexxus Humectress (the Sally's brand), Aphogee Pro Vitamin leave in conditioner, or Silk Elements Moisturizing Leave In Creme. After I rinse my hair, I put one of the before mentioned conditioners on, then I seal it with my homemade oil/glycerine mixture (glycerine, grapeseed, oil, jojoba oil, and Morrocan Argan oil). My hair has never been this soft! To be honest, I'd forgotten about the moisture/protein balance. I know for a fact that my hair came out because I left the relaxer in the back too long. No use in beating myself up about it. I'm just going to protect what I have left on my head, keep wearing my LFs, and move forward. I also bought the Aphogee Deep Moisture Shampoo, and maybe shampoo once every 2 weeks. I rinse everyday, so I shouldn't have that much build up. I really need to get rid of all the other conditioners I bought. I'm a product junkie, what can I say!
I just found out that this blog is one of the top 50 hair blogs: The Top 50 Hair Blogs. When I was told, I beamed proudly.