I don't know why I'm feeling like I don't have enough time during the day... it's not like I have a job or anything. I think it's that December/Xmas time space continuum thingy. I've got the knitting, now the Lace Wig Clearance Sale in progress (2 sold and shipped - I'm very efficient with my bid'ness), I still have to finish Colbi's left glove, Jeri's scarf, the embroidery on Andrew's apron, and the Xmas tree skirt (that I'm going to crochet). I'm so tired...
I posted pictures of how I apply the Mega-Tek Cell Rebuilder, oh miraculous elixir of growing hair! I put the Mega-Tek in a applicator bottle with a spout top (from Sally's). I part my hair down the center, and apply it to the part. Then I part my hair in pie shaped sections, and apply to my scalp. Then I apply it all along my hairline, all the way around. I pull my hair up (not quite long enough for a little itty bitty pigtail) and put a headband on. I leave it on, I do not wash it out. I try to do this at least once a week, but I do put Mega-Tek on my hair every other day. I do not wash it out. You have to be careful for protein overload, as Mega-Tek is protein. If my hair starts to feel dry, I immediately put one of my many moisturizing conditioners on.
Remember this: too much protein = dry hair
too much moisture = mushy hair
Tomorrow, the lace wig clearance sale will have not have been in vain (chasing all over town, trying to find a MoneyGram servicer/the 2nd lady at Lucky's claimed the machine was broken, but I think she didn't know how to work it, I could tell). I will place my order for my new Rex custom lace wig, the one that I will, going forward, SEW on! No more glue starting in January 2010. I will treat the lace wig as a "weave" of sorts. It will be a 14", virgin malaysian curly, colored T1B/4, light density. I hope it looks like what I have imagined. I also hope my own hairline doesn't get jacked up, meaning, I hope I don't get "weave edges". My new baby (courtesy of www.junpengwigs.com):

Rex says she'll take at least 28 days, which will put me at receiving her around the week of January 4-9. I hope it ships before the Chinese New Year. I remember how up in arms folks was when production/shipping stopped this year.
It's 9:44pm, and I haven't even started knitting. I still need to tend to my farm on Farmville... not enough time!
... 12:09am, and I still haven't picked up a needle. Damn! ;-(