This is for Peasandcornbread:
Finally, the cake was cut last night. There was some confusion as to if I was going to save it. My sister (who's birthday is today) says I was channeling my Gingerbread house from last year.
Photographic evidence of everyone enjoying their socks:
Colbi's Entrelac scarf in progress:
which is going pretty fast. I put Jeri's scarf down so as to not be bored, but I will pick it up again. Notice the pink yarn at the bottom, which is the provisional cast on. I will pull that back, and reveal live stitches to finish off the diamonds.
On the Lace front (lol), I posted 5 new videos showing the coban self adhering bandage method. I'm still wearing the unit, but I've popped the back up because it was too low on my neck and itchy. This is the LAST adhesive/tape application for awhile. I'm still mentalizing (my new word that I made up) how I'm going to do my sew on method. I haven't received the custom yet. Still waiting patiently.