I'm getting used to having my hair cut. It curls up so beautifully (washed with Organix Tea Tree & Mint; combed Organix Grapefruit & Mango Butter through it - no rinse). This is me completely natural. I'm going to forego any chemicals... for now. The most I may do is color the ends... eventually, once my hair has really grown out from my scalp... maybe in October or Nov... I'm not going to even put myself on a time schedule. I may do a hair growth update, every 3 or 4 months. Nothing obsessive like last year. Just remove hair, wash/condition natural hair, then reapply wig, every week.
I just bought my 14" Virgin Malaysian Loose Curly, and I'm predicting it will be here next Wednesday... I hope so, because that's my wig day (I remove on Wednesdays and reapply on Thursdays). I'm so not tripping off of the people at work. I'm on a new mission, and if lace wigs will get me there, so be it. I've never had a 14" wig before, so this should be interesting. It seems when I'm rocking my 18" I usually wear buns so I'm trying something new. I will update with pictures as soon as the wig is delivered.