She finally came at 15 minutes before I left for work (Rex requires signatures on his shipments now). I slipped her over the one I'm wearing now (the Indian Remy Body Wave hybrid) for these pictures. She's shorter than I imagined, but I warmed to the length. I'm tired of always wearing the hair either pulled up or in a bun. I've found that regardless of what kind of hair it is, it always tends to tangle or get caught on something if it's 16-18 inches. I will put this wig on Thursday (that's my wig change day - I remove on Wednesday, let my head "breathe" for a night, and reapply on Thursday). I can't wait to put her on. I want to lift up the top of the hair and maybe lighten it up under.... maybe not... maybe just the front, with just Sun-In, nothing more harsh than that. I may even forego the self adhesive bandage. The "scalp" has been too light and obvious lately, and you all KNOW I'm never bleaching knots again. I haven't even painted the insides with makeup lately. Too lazy, but I'm so free about it at my job. Not very many people all up in my head.
The hair looks bushy because I combed and brushed it. It will be interesting to see how it looks tamed with water. I was thinking about getting a 10" or 12" body wave (virgin malaysian, of course - tangles less than indian remy), but it would be way too short. The older I get, the less I'm liking extremely long hair.