This is supposed to be Clairol Beautiful Collection Gentle Semi-Permanent Haircolor in Honey Brown:

This is what my hair looks like after rinsing with it:
Hopefully it will lighten up because this is a rinse. At least the Bozo the Clown copper red is gone. I can see some brown in that second pic. I want golden brown hair... I think it will lighten up (wishful thinking). I didn't rinse the back on purpose, because initially, that was more the color I was going for. I like two tone hair, what can I say? I like the dark front though. I'm quirky that way. The straight ends are killing me. I'm so tempted to cut at the bend where the curl starts, but I need the length for cornrowing.
I got some ORS Shea Butter from Sally's. I haven't used it yet. I used the coconut oil today. I don't want to walk around smelling like a pina colada... I guess there are worst things to walk around smelling like. After I rinsed the color out, I put Nexxus Humectress on it, then followed up with the coconut oil. Once it dries, we'll see what my hair feels like.
Next week, I'm going to braid my hair and put the virgin malaysian straight on. I was thinking about putting on the Hair Fairy unit, but I don't want to curl it. I want bangs on my virgin straight unit, but I'm not going to do it.