I put my Rex Virgin Malaysian Straight on yesterday. It was really frustrating to braid my hair. I thought it would be easier because it's longer, but it was harder, because it's gotten so thick, from the Mega-Tek I'm guessing. I have a perimeter braid, and I sewed a tan wigcap onto it. I'm not doing the scalp spray anymore. I was so scatterbrained, that I put the Vapon on my skin first. I usually put the tape on first. I also went back to the Hair Direct White Adhesive instead of using Ms. Lola's Cream Adhesive. I don't like the clump that MLCA has turned into. The app feels tight as ever. I normally did maybe 3 apps a month, so I'm surprised to see that this is the first app of November. I really enjoyed wearing my own hair out, and I can tell I'll be doing it more and more since my hair is growing out.
I finished Andrew's mother's slippers yesterday. They knitted up so quickly. I want to make them for all my friends. I still have to make my niece some convertible mittens, and my sister wants a taupe scarf, then I'll resume knitting my Carrie/Episode 88 sweater.
Ah, a return to good music. Sade will be releasing a new album on February 8, 2010, called Soldier of Love:

Ah, a return to REAL music.