Truth be told, I'm loving the blonde curls! I'm in two tone heaven! I love how the dark hair is peeping through the blonde curls. I'm really glad the bleach didn't straighten out my curls. I should have used peroxide or the developer I had all by itself, but my thinking was cloudy. I can't keep this color though (hence me taking all the pictures). It's time to get it cracking! I just removed the hybrid because it was kind of getting on my nerves, so I'm waiting to dye it today. I'm going to mix 1oz of each of the colors, so it's not so light, and not so dark. I had to wash my hair because I always do after removing an app, and I had a buildup of Mega-Tek on my scalp. I washed it (with the Suave Daily Clarifying) and I'm waiting on it to dry. After I color, I may just put the Malaysian straight on... or maybe the Hair Fairy Pretty Girl unit. I love the bangs on that unit, and I'll only curl the bangs.... I hate curling irons.
I'm willing myself to have a job before the year is out.
Week 2 of developing my workout habit has begun. I stepped for 34 minutes, I played Wii tennis for 21 minutes, I boxed for about 2 minutes, and played golf and bowling for about 2 minutes. That Wii is wonderful. Tomorrow is Total Gym day.
The knitting factory is back in effect for this holiday season. I'm making socks for my boyfriend's family and I may do scarves for my family. I collected tons of gorgeous sweater patterns, and I think I may have found my "Carrie" sweater. I was going to design it myself, and made some preliminary sketches, but I found a pattern that I can tweak a bit to get it to look almost like the sweater. I'm going to call it my "Episode 88" sweater. I will post progress pics as I knit.
I got this clip from YouTube. This is the actual "Carrie Episode 88" sweater:
The VS Sweater is close to it, but I don't want to buy it:

The Tango from is close to it, with some tweaking:

Crystal Palace Shawl. I'm going to add this (without the shell motif) to the back of the Tango^^:

I will lengthen the sleeves and the middle part of the Tango. I'm making it out of Lion Brand Homespun, as I have tons of it laying around in the bins.
Just a poncho with sleeves I want to make also (Asars Ponchette from

Let the knitting begin!