I'm still knitting up a storm. It's so relaxing, 2 more projects, then I'll be back to knitting the Carrie/Episode 88 sweater. I have to knit my baby a sweater also.
I think I may be done with the lacefronts. This application has driven me crazy. I'm in the process of removing it. I'm either done, or I have to invent a way to keep it on my head without the glue/tape combo. The whole time has felt like my head has been in a vice. I think I'm going to go back to clips and maybe velcro. Yes, I said it, VELCRO! My hair is also at the Michael Jackson Thriller video length (unstretched, of course)... what can I say???
Thanksgiving dinner was great. It was my first time cooking! The cooking bags + turkey = greatness. I'm so surprised at how easy that was. The dressing was perfection (I used Jiffy instead of regular cornmeal), there weren't enough chitlins, and the jury's still out on the greenbean casserole (the cheese and onions were good). Andrew made a luscious pumpkin souffle pie, but we forgot to eat the cranberry sauce. We played Monopoly until we decided to quit. I missed my family something terrible, but Andrew and I had fun.
I'll be back...
I'm back. I had to remove the app and shower. My head feels so good. I always follow up a wash and condition with Dr. Miracle's Intensive Spot Serum around the perimeter. I'm really not keen on putting another lacefront on, until I either sew some clips in it, or invent my velcro method.
The Soul Train Awards
I just watched it on the dvr. Everything was too extra, that it made me sick. They knew it too, because they put the Chaka Khan tribute at the end of the show. I had to put that on a dvd because Erykah Badu kicked it off by singing... SANGING! She sang her version of "Stay" and she HIT the high notes. I love her... she fell off a bit with the Worldwide Underground cd, but she's still my favorite of the R&B singers... her, Maxwell, and Sade (who's coming back on 2/8/2010 with Soldier of Love. No auto tune (death to the auto tune). Modern R&B is in a sad state. Even Beyonce is getting on my nerves. I want her to go away for at least 2 years, and have a baby with Jay-Z. All of them diva bitches need to read a page out of Sade's How-To guide.
I love Wendy Williams and Mo'Nique's talk shows. I love Wendy's wigs.
Tomorrow, December length check!
November's Almost Gone - Thanksgiving Eve
I'm feeling really festive today. I'm watching The Wizard of Oz, I just finished making the cornbread for the dressing (aka stuffing, in certain areas of the country), and I'm starting on Andrew's dad's socks. I've never associated TWOZ with Christmas, but the powers that be are trying to make it so. Anyway, I started the chitlins yesterday. It's only 5 lbs this time around. We're also doing a turkey breast, macaroni & cheese, Andrew's making a pumpkin pie, and he's on greenbean casserole duty. It should be a bountiful Thanksgiving. It will also be the first Thanksgiving I've spent away from my family. I'm really sad about that, but I'm trying to stay positive.
I put my Rex Virgin Malaysian Straight on yesterday. It was really frustrating to braid my hair. I thought it would be easier because it's longer, but it was harder, because it's gotten so thick, from the Mega-Tek I'm guessing. I have a perimeter braid, and I sewed a tan wigcap onto it. I'm not doing the scalp spray anymore. I was so scatterbrained, that I put the Vapon on my skin first. I usually put the tape on first. I also went back to the Hair Direct White Adhesive instead of using Ms. Lola's Cream Adhesive. I don't like the clump that MLCA has turned into. The app feels tight as ever. I normally did maybe 3 apps a month, so I'm surprised to see that this is the first app of November. I really enjoyed wearing my own hair out, and I can tell I'll be doing it more and more since my hair is growing out.
I finished Andrew's mother's slippers yesterday. They knitted up so quickly. I want to make them for all my friends. I still have to make my niece some convertible mittens, and my sister wants a taupe scarf, then I'll resume knitting my Carrie/Episode 88 sweater.
Ah, a return to good music. Sade will be releasing a new album on February 8, 2010, called Soldier of Love:

Ah, a return to REAL music.
I put my Rex Virgin Malaysian Straight on yesterday. It was really frustrating to braid my hair. I thought it would be easier because it's longer, but it was harder, because it's gotten so thick, from the Mega-Tek I'm guessing. I have a perimeter braid, and I sewed a tan wigcap onto it. I'm not doing the scalp spray anymore. I was so scatterbrained, that I put the Vapon on my skin first. I usually put the tape on first. I also went back to the Hair Direct White Adhesive instead of using Ms. Lola's Cream Adhesive. I don't like the clump that MLCA has turned into. The app feels tight as ever. I normally did maybe 3 apps a month, so I'm surprised to see that this is the first app of November. I really enjoyed wearing my own hair out, and I can tell I'll be doing it more and more since my hair is growing out.
I finished Andrew's mother's slippers yesterday. They knitted up so quickly. I want to make them for all my friends. I still have to make my niece some convertible mittens, and my sister wants a taupe scarf, then I'll resume knitting my Carrie/Episode 88 sweater.
Ah, a return to good music. Sade will be releasing a new album on February 8, 2010, called Soldier of Love:

Ah, a return to REAL music.
The house is quiet, other than my boyfriend's computer cha-chinging (from Cafe World on facebook). I'm watching America's Next Top Model marathon, drinking an orange/vanilla milkshake, and about to continue to knit. I may put the needles down and read for a bit. I just wanted to touch base...
I love the coconut oil! The smell is light, and my hair didn't feel greasy afterwards. It will definitely be a staple in my own hair regimen. It's a sealant (to seal moisture). To use, I put whatever leave in on my hair (any of the HEs, the Humectress, or the Aussie Moist), then put some coconut oil in my hands (it's solid), rub them together to melt the oil, and rub it over my hair. It's not something that I would use to drench my hair, like the olive oil. My hair is loving all of this attention.
I'm so excited about my hair growth. I don't use Mega-Tek everyday because I don't want protein overload. Today, I rinsed it (had SE Luxury Moisturizing condish in it from yesterday), put a small amount of the HE Toussle Me Softly in it, combed it through and now, I'm watching it shrink (pics above). Sometimes I don't comb it for days. I like the versatility. I think this is the first time I've had my own hair out for this long (I took the hybrid off on Nov 9th).
I highlighted the Rex virgin malaysian straight with some of the Volume 20 developer (it's peroxide). The highlights are really subtle. I have yet to use the shea butter. I don't know what it's purpose is.
I also want to shout out to my personal homies: Kaai, Susanne, and Demetria. They keep me laughing and keep me grounded.
That's all. (Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada)
Let there be light...
As I thought, it's lightening up. I'm happy again.
I'm still knitting.
Last night, I did something that I haven't done since moving to California. I put my headphones on, and opened iTunes. I started by practicing "Why" by Annie Lennox. That's definitely going to be a YouTube video. Then I started adding songs I want to do to the list. I miss listening to the music I really like (the Bee Gees, Maxwell, Mint Condition, Julia Fordham, Faith Hill, Alison Krauss, Fleetwood Mac, Olivia Newton-John, etc).
Back to the knitting...
First Christmas season knitting project done!
I just finished my boyfriend's Christmas present. It's an apron that I started on Sunday (or Monday). It may not be practical, but it's in honor of his awesome chef skills:
Now, I have many pairs of socks to make. I'll knit on my Carrie sweater when everyone else's presents are done.
The finale of America's Next Top Model is on. I'm rooting for Nicole, but I like Laura too.
Honey Brown Rinse???/Product Alert: ORS Shea Butter
I woke up this morning and I looked like Bozo the Clown! My hair was orange/red. This won't do. I had to do something about it. I went to Sally's to get a rinse. I want golden brown hair. Why is this so hard to achieve?
This is supposed to be Clairol Beautiful Collection Gentle Semi-Permanent Haircolor in Honey Brown:
This is what my hair looks like after rinsing with it:
Hopefully it will lighten up because this is a rinse. At least the Bozo the Clown copper red is gone. I can see some brown in that second pic. I want golden brown hair... I think it will lighten up (wishful thinking). I didn't rinse the back on purpose, because initially, that was more the color I was going for. I like two tone hair, what can I say? I like the dark front though. I'm quirky that way. The straight ends are killing me. I'm so tempted to cut at the bend where the curl starts, but I need the length for cornrowing.
I got some ORS Shea Butter from Sally's. I haven't used it yet. I used the coconut oil today. I don't want to walk around smelling like a pina colada... I guess there are worst things to walk around smelling like. After I rinsed the color out, I put Nexxus Humectress on it, then followed up with the coconut oil. Once it dries, we'll see what my hair feels like.
Next week, I'm going to braid my hair and put the virgin malaysian straight on. I was thinking about putting on the Hair Fairy unit, but I don't want to curl it. I want bangs on my virgin straight unit, but I'm not going to do it.
This is supposed to be Clairol Beautiful Collection Gentle Semi-Permanent Haircolor in Honey Brown:

This is what my hair looks like after rinsing with it:
Hopefully it will lighten up because this is a rinse. At least the Bozo the Clown copper red is gone. I can see some brown in that second pic. I want golden brown hair... I think it will lighten up (wishful thinking). I didn't rinse the back on purpose, because initially, that was more the color I was going for. I like two tone hair, what can I say? I like the dark front though. I'm quirky that way. The straight ends are killing me. I'm so tempted to cut at the bend where the curl starts, but I need the length for cornrowing.
I got some ORS Shea Butter from Sally's. I haven't used it yet. I used the coconut oil today. I don't want to walk around smelling like a pina colada... I guess there are worst things to walk around smelling like. After I rinsed the color out, I put Nexxus Humectress on it, then followed up with the coconut oil. Once it dries, we'll see what my hair feels like.
Next week, I'm going to braid my hair and put the virgin malaysian straight on. I was thinking about putting on the Hair Fairy unit, but I don't want to curl it. I want bangs on my virgin straight unit, but I'm not going to do it.
No need for another color session!
It dawned on me... I have 2 bottles of UnRed. I don't need to get any more color to tone down the ever increasing copper red hair that I'm waking up to everyday. I put 2 oz of hot water in my clean color applicator bottle, and 10 drops of UnRed, and I'm no longer blazing Bozo the Clown! I don't know what color it is quite yet, because I immediately did a deep condition, with Mega-Tek (protein), and Nexxus Humectress (moisture). I'll co-wash tomorrow, and... I don't know. Probably slather it with the HE Toussle Me Softly. Back to the knitting.
Product Alert: Coconut Oil
We had a great day today (still going on actually). I knew when I woke up that I had to go to Beverly's Crafts to get my Lion Brand Homespun yarn. I don't know why I didn't think of that yesterday, when we went out of our way, to the Wal-Mart (when Beverly's is right around the corner). We first went to Barnes & Noble to look for the Madonna Rolling Stone (2 weeks old at this point; didn't find it). I ended up with Bird by Bird by Anne Lamont (recommended by my writing friend Susanne). Then, we went to Trader Joe's , because Baby wanted to do an "at home wine tasting". He is SO romantic (I'm so lucky). We got wine, cheese, dried green beens (great snack), and crackers. I love smoked gouda! Then we went to Beverly's to get my yarn. I got my colors, and some bracelets clasps for the Rearden bracelet. Then we went to Lucky's for the Shake & Bake (for tonight's baked fried spicy chicken). We ended up at GNC because I became desperate to find some coconut oil for my hair. I just knew Trader Joe's would have it, but they didn't. They RAVE about coconut oil on the BHM, so I'll give it a try in the coming days. What a day!!!
My hair color is brightening by the day. I was thinking about putting a rinse on it, just to tone it down, but I don't know (taken yesterday):
I've got so many knitting irons in the fire. I've decided to make my hunny bunny a knitted apron, since he is THE cook of the household. I'm going to put the Rush starman insignia on the chest, if I can sketch it out. I've got so much knitting to do between now and Xmas. My sweater, his family's socks, and my family's scarves. I saw a Led Zeppelin book that I want to buy him and a Michael Jackson book that I want to get my daughter for Xmas.... I've got to sell some wigs on the BHM. I've had offers before, but I didn't think too much about them. Now it's time to put them to work.
My hair color is brightening by the day. I was thinking about putting a rinse on it, just to tone it down, but I don't know (taken yesterday):
I've got so many knitting irons in the fire. I've decided to make my hunny bunny a knitted apron, since he is THE cook of the household. I'm going to put the Rush starman insignia on the chest, if I can sketch it out. I've got so much knitting to do between now and Xmas. My sweater, his family's socks, and my family's scarves. I saw a Led Zeppelin book that I want to buy him and a Michael Jackson book that I want to get my daughter for Xmas.... I've got to sell some wigs on the BHM. I've had offers before, but I didn't think too much about them. Now it's time to put them to work.
Product Alert: HE Tousle Me Softly Conditioner
Me and my baby went to see Precious (more on that later, I'm still gathering my thoughts, although it wasn't as sad as the trailers make it out to be). Before that, we went to Wal-Mart to get some yarn (Homespun, which they DIDN'T have), Goo Gone (for my lace wig removals), 91% alcohol (for wig removal), the Twilight paperback (for research), and (drumroll please)... a big bottle of Herbal Essences Tousle Me Softly condish! I threw it in the cart, and bless my loving boyfriend, my baby's heart, he doesn't say anything. I will co-wash my hair tomorrow and try what everyone in the growth section of BHM is raving about. It smells better than the HE Hydralicious... wild violet and pomegranate... lawd knows I've been eating more pomegranates than humanly possible.
I have to get more Homespun yarn, to match what I'm already working on. It's coming along nicely. I'm glad I pulled it back. I'm going to make my baby an apron for Xmas, since my funds are low.
My head is sort of spinning from the margarita we had at Chili's.
I have to get more Homespun yarn, to match what I'm already working on. It's coming along nicely. I'm glad I pulled it back. I'm going to make my baby an apron for Xmas, since my funds are low.
My head is sort of spinning from the margarita we had at Chili's.
Product Review: HE Hydralicious and Organix Vanilla Silk Conditioners
I haven't had a product review in a long time because I'm a broke ass! I got the hookup in the Growth section on the BHM about a month ago. Someone posted a link to get a free bottle of Herbal Essences conditioner. I redeemed my coupon at CVS yesterday. I wanted the Toussle Me Softly conditioner, but of course, it was sold out, so I settled for the Hydralicious Reconditioning conditioner. It smells like the others, fruity. I had 2 dollars left over from my Sally's field trip a couple of weeks ago, so I purchased Organix Soft & Silky Vanilla Silk conditioner. It smells like HEAVEN! It smells like vanilla honey ice cream! My boyfriend will love this. I'm going to slather some on my hair right now before I work out. Something's telling me that the vanilla may be my new favorite indulgence.
My sweater is coming along fine. I had to rip out what I started yesterday because the point reminded me of a penis cover, don't ask.
So I ripped this all out and started over, and I'm back at the same place, but it looks better. My pattern in the middle is smaller. In the photo, it was 14 stitches. Now I've reduced it to 9 stitches. Last night, I worked out the complete design, and everything seems to be on track. I wanted to put a hood on it, but I think I'll just put a drapey kind of collar. I still might do the hood, depending on how much yarn I have left. Speaking of yarn, I needed a longer needle (I'm using a #10), so I found a yarn shop very near the house. It was very, very high end, like I probably won't be buying any yarn from there EVER. I picked up a hank... yes, a hank (the rich relavitve of the skein). The price was $22! For a ball of yarn?! No thanks, I'll get my yarn from Wal-Mart or Hershnerr's (online). You can't toss that expensive yarn into the washer/dryer. That ish has to be hand washed in Woolite and reblocked. Or maybe sent to the cleaners. I like for my knitted ware to be more durable. In conclusion, I really need to get cracking on the socks for my potential in laws!
The Real Housewives of Orange County.
This bitchfest has replaced my previous Thursday night bitchfest. The only housewife I love is Gretchen. I think Lynn is boring, Jeana is gone, I hate Vicki, but I really HATE TAMRA BARNEY!!! I hope she does an internet search and finds this post. If I EVER see Tamra walking down the street, get my bail money together, because I'm slapping that bitch. I'm TEAM GRETCHEN all the way! I hope Tamra's house gets forclosed, I hope Simon leaves Tamra, I hope Tamra grows uncontrollable facial hair, I hope Tamra's fake boobs burst, I hope Tamra contracts VD, I hope Tamra is discovered to have a stripper past, I hope Tamra's hair turns green... I could go on and on! I love Gretchen. So what if she's caught posing with a personal massager? So what if she's caught making out with another girl... she's SINGLE! She can do whatever the FRUCK she wants to do! I'm sad about Jeff, but I'm happy that she and Slade have found each other. I think Gretchen will be exactly what Slade wanted Jo to be, but Jo was too young. I hope her and Slade lock it down and become committed to each other. Tamra is just jealous that Slade didn't want her. Simon is a cutie, but he's too controlling and rigid. I hope Simon leaves Tamra. I hope Gretchen and Slade get married. They are so cute together. Slade is much older than Gretchen, but his immaturity level matches her age. I wish them well... Tamra? I wish I could slap the bitch! She is just jealous that Gretchen is hotter than her, and she knows it! Team Gretchen all the way!!! She's the only reason I watch RHOOC.
stepping off my soapbox...
My sweater is coming along fine. I had to rip out what I started yesterday because the point reminded me of a penis cover, don't ask.
The Real Housewives of Orange County.
This bitchfest has replaced my previous Thursday night bitchfest. The only housewife I love is Gretchen. I think Lynn is boring, Jeana is gone, I hate Vicki, but I really HATE TAMRA BARNEY!!! I hope she does an internet search and finds this post. If I EVER see Tamra walking down the street, get my bail money together, because I'm slapping that bitch. I'm TEAM GRETCHEN all the way! I hope Tamra's house gets forclosed, I hope Simon leaves Tamra, I hope Tamra grows uncontrollable facial hair, I hope Tamra's fake boobs burst, I hope Tamra contracts VD, I hope Tamra is discovered to have a stripper past, I hope Tamra's hair turns green... I could go on and on! I love Gretchen. So what if she's caught posing with a personal massager? So what if she's caught making out with another girl... she's SINGLE! She can do whatever the FRUCK she wants to do! I'm sad about Jeff, but I'm happy that she and Slade have found each other. I think Gretchen will be exactly what Slade wanted Jo to be, but Jo was too young. I hope her and Slade lock it down and become committed to each other. Tamra is just jealous that Slade didn't want her. Simon is a cutie, but he's too controlling and rigid. I hope Simon leaves Tamra. I hope Gretchen and Slade get married. They are so cute together. Slade is much older than Gretchen, but his immaturity level matches her age. I wish them well... Tamra? I wish I could slap the bitch! She is just jealous that Gretchen is hotter than her, and she knows it! Team Gretchen all the way!!! She's the only reason I watch RHOOC.
stepping off my soapbox...
My friend's blog
I love my friend's blog. She speaks her mind and she's so funny. She so wise to be so young. She's a lovely, educated woman. Please stop by her blog and enjoy some of her witticisms.
Demetria's blog
Demetria's blog
Color Update: Before - Ewww!/After - Ahhh!
It's on my head as I type this. I understand the chemistry involved. There is no way I could have colored my hair light brown. It would have turned green. It's looking like it's a purpley red. I left one little blonde curl out in the back, for fun. The color is still on it though. I'm a little panicky. I have 13 minutes to go...
I'm finished! I like it. I think it's going to be very close to the color on my hair goal picture. That purpley color was toning down the blonde. I miss the blonde. Once my hair grows out (in 2 years), I may put color remover on my ends so some of the blonde can come back. But until then, I'M DONE COLORING MY HAIR. I won't even text until next year, maybe February. I'm not even thinking about it. Lord knows I've done enough in the last 30 days. My curl pattern is still intact, albeit a little looser though. Right now, I'm deep conditioning under a plastic cap (aka curl bag) with a little Mega-Tek, a little Nexxus Humectress, and the new addition, Silk Elements Luxury Moisturizing Conditioner. I think I'm going to baggy all night. I don't feel like washing it out. I'm too tired. Long day. I still haven't opened my yarn bins yet. I love life!
Dry (11-10-2009)
I'm pretty sure the straight ends are from the weight of the curls, a different texture on the sides of my head, and the braiding. They will be cut off once my hair is at shoulder length. I LOVE THE COLOR, especially how it's lighter in the back.
I'm still using Mega-Tek and taking 2 GNC NourishHair caps and 1 B-Complex daily.
I'm finished! I like it. I think it's going to be very close to the color on my hair goal picture. That purpley color was toning down the blonde. I miss the blonde. Once my hair grows out (in 2 years), I may put color remover on my ends so some of the blonde can come back. But until then, I'M DONE COLORING MY HAIR. I won't even text until next year, maybe February. I'm not even thinking about it. Lord knows I've done enough in the last 30 days. My curl pattern is still intact, albeit a little looser though. Right now, I'm deep conditioning under a plastic cap (aka curl bag) with a little Mega-Tek, a little Nexxus Humectress, and the new addition, Silk Elements Luxury Moisturizing Conditioner. I think I'm going to baggy all night. I don't feel like washing it out. I'm too tired. Long day. I still haven't opened my yarn bins yet. I love life!
Dry (11-10-2009)
I'm pretty sure the straight ends are from the weight of the curls, a different texture on the sides of my head, and the braiding. They will be cut off once my hair is at shoulder length. I LOVE THE COLOR, especially how it's lighter in the back.
I'm still using Mega-Tek and taking 2 GNC NourishHair caps and 1 B-Complex daily.
***Truth Be Told/Episode 88
Truth be told, I'm loving the blonde curls! I'm in two tone heaven! I love how the dark hair is peeping through the blonde curls. I'm really glad the bleach didn't straighten out my curls. I should have used peroxide or the developer I had all by itself, but my thinking was cloudy. I can't keep this color though (hence me taking all the pictures). It's time to get it cracking! I just removed the hybrid because it was kind of getting on my nerves, so I'm waiting to dye it today. I'm going to mix 1oz of each of the colors, so it's not so light, and not so dark. I had to wash my hair because I always do after removing an app, and I had a buildup of Mega-Tek on my scalp. I washed it (with the Suave Daily Clarifying) and I'm waiting on it to dry. After I color, I may just put the Malaysian straight on... or maybe the Hair Fairy Pretty Girl unit. I love the bangs on that unit, and I'll only curl the bangs.... I hate curling irons.
I'm willing myself to have a job before the year is out.
Week 2 of developing my workout habit has begun. I stepped for 34 minutes, I played Wii tennis for 21 minutes, I boxed for about 2 minutes, and played golf and bowling for about 2 minutes. That Wii is wonderful. Tomorrow is Total Gym day.
The knitting factory is back in effect for this holiday season. I'm making socks for my boyfriend's family and I may do scarves for my family. I collected tons of gorgeous sweater patterns, and I think I may have found my "Carrie" sweater. I was going to design it myself, and made some preliminary sketches, but I found a pattern that I can tweak a bit to get it to look almost like the sweater. I'm going to call it my "Episode 88" sweater. I will post progress pics as I knit.
I got this clip from YouTube. This is the actual "Carrie Episode 88" sweater:
The VS Sweater is close to it, but I don't want to buy it:

The Tango from Berroco.com is close to it, with some tweaking:

Crystal Palace Shawl. I'm going to add this (without the shell motif) to the back of the Tango^^:

I will lengthen the sleeves and the middle part of the Tango. I'm making it out of Lion Brand Homespun, as I have tons of it laying around in the bins.
Just a poncho with sleeves I want to make also (Asars Ponchette from Berroco.com):

Let the knitting begin!
Hair Still Hidden... Body Sore
It dawned on me... even though my hair is bleached, I'm not continuously damaging it because I don't use heat. No flat irons, no curling irons, no blow dryers, no pressing combs. No heat. As I stated in the last entry, I bought the color - not sure how it's going to turn out. It's still hidden in braids under my lace wig. Out of sight, out of mind. It's going to get corrected once I take this wig off. I'm going to keep it on as long as the adhesive/tape holds. I'm a walking experiment.
Speaking of my lace wig, I have decided to stop doing the fake scalp spray. I'm using the medium color (of either Studio35 Beauty or Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs) and it just looks crazy in natural sunlight. Inside the apartment's bathroom mirror, it looks great. No wonder the chica in Sally's was looking at my head all crazy like. I'm going back to square one. I may even start wearing a tan wig cap again, sewing it to my braid all the way around. I do know that my scalp is light, almost white, compared to my deep toned skin. It's a constant work in progress.
The hybrid is shedding like crazy. I don't know if it's where the seam is or what. I'm really wanting that 14" Indian Remy Curly from Rex. Of course I'd like it in virgin malaysian, but unless it's going to fall from lace wig heaven, I don't see it happening. Maybe next year some time. It's not like I need one. The IR Curly closely resembles my own hair texture. I was going to wear it mostly until my own hair hit that length.
In other news, I've really amped up my new fitness regimen. I stopped drinking last weekend (we drank champagne like it was Kool-Aid) and began working out last Tuesday. I'm doing the Total Gym every other day, but using my Wii Fit step program every day. I missed Thursday (because I went to Sally's and we had dinner at his sister's house). I try to do between a 30-45 minute step program. I did a short 3 minute run program yesterday. I love our Wii system. I also have My Fitness Coach and Wii Active, but those are really strenuous. I'll work up to those. The Wii Sports boxing is a workout too. My shoulders were so sore the day after we boxed last week. I think the key to sticking with exercise is to make it fun, and so far, it's fun. I can see my face slimming down... it may not be my midsection, but it's a start!
Speaking of my lace wig, I have decided to stop doing the fake scalp spray. I'm using the medium color (of either Studio35 Beauty or Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs) and it just looks crazy in natural sunlight. Inside the apartment's bathroom mirror, it looks great. No wonder the chica in Sally's was looking at my head all crazy like. I'm going back to square one. I may even start wearing a tan wig cap again, sewing it to my braid all the way around. I do know that my scalp is light, almost white, compared to my deep toned skin. It's a constant work in progress.
The hybrid is shedding like crazy. I don't know if it's where the seam is or what. I'm really wanting that 14" Indian Remy Curly from Rex. Of course I'd like it in virgin malaysian, but unless it's going to fall from lace wig heaven, I don't see it happening. Maybe next year some time. It's not like I need one. The IR Curly closely resembles my own hair texture. I was going to wear it mostly until my own hair hit that length.
In other news, I've really amped up my new fitness regimen. I stopped drinking last weekend (we drank champagne like it was Kool-Aid) and began working out last Tuesday. I'm doing the Total Gym every other day, but using my Wii Fit step program every day. I missed Thursday (because I went to Sally's and we had dinner at his sister's house). I try to do between a 30-45 minute step program. I did a short 3 minute run program yesterday. I love our Wii system. I also have My Fitness Coach and Wii Active, but those are really strenuous. I'll work up to those. The Wii Sports boxing is a workout too. My shoulders were so sore the day after we boxed last week. I think the key to sticking with exercise is to make it fun, and so far, it's fun. I can see my face slimming down... it may not be my midsection, but it's a start!
What Else Is There To Say?
I am my own worst enemy! Please learn from me. I am the queen of what not to do. I kept staring at my hair goal picture above, and I thought, "hey, I have some bleach, I have some developer, my hair is healthy, let's try it out!" This is the result. My intent was to have my roots dark (like they still are) and the ends a honey, carmel color. After my hair was dry, I deep, deep conditioned my hair with Mega-Tek and braided my hair up. I put my hybrid on, and I'm keeping it moving. I went to Sally's today and the cool chica that works there (with the coolest hair colors - bleached, red, brown, carmel, and black) helped me. She steered me towards Ion Color Brilliance Permanent Liquid Hair Color in 4R Medium Red Brown and 5RC Light Copper Brown. I'm going to mix the colors or maybe even paint each of them on different sections. I didn't necessarily want red hair, but I'm liking those colors. I'm not going to color it until I remove this application. I'm SMDH at myself. I'm glad I didn't get it on my scalp. As you all know, I'm not afraid of shaving my head, but luckily, I don't have to.
Length Pictures Updated; Major Writing Setback
I've updated length pictures for November on the little Slide widget. I'm cornrowing tomorrow. All shrinkage aside, it gets easier to cornrow month after month. Thank you Mega-Tek. I will always use Mega-Tek, until my hair stops responding. I need to hide my hair again, because the Dr. Hyde in me is wanting to dye it Honey Blonde.
I've got to do something about my weight. I've stopped drinking (it wasn't hard because I'm desperate) and I've started my Wii Fit regimen again. 30 minutes of step, EVERYDAY! I love the step programs. Just today, I opened the advanced Free step, where you can put it on, and change the input on your TV so you can watch a show whilst getting your step on. I like doing it with the Miis though. I have Michael Jackson and Darth Vader as step partners. LOL. I can't walk like I used to because I hurt my knee this summer playing tennis (I heard a pop when I turned). I've been doing the Total Gym every other day, so hopefully something will give. All I want to do is fit into the clothes that are in my closet (shrink 2 sizes), and shrink my bust size. I hate my DDs. Enough wallowing.
I'm so upset about my book (that I've been working on since 2006). I decided to take out the chapter breaks and just write, because it was feeling disjointed, with every other chapter jumping into the past. I seperated the past from the present, and I'm going to write both sections at the same time. I want to integrate both sections into one. I am having so much trouble with time transitions. I've been reading everything I can just to get the right understanding with it. My story doesn't happen in one day (like The DaVinci Code and all the rest of Dan Brown's books). I've got to figure this out.
I've got to do something about my weight. I've stopped drinking (it wasn't hard because I'm desperate) and I've started my Wii Fit regimen again. 30 minutes of step, EVERYDAY! I love the step programs. Just today, I opened the advanced Free step, where you can put it on, and change the input on your TV so you can watch a show whilst getting your step on. I like doing it with the Miis though. I have Michael Jackson and Darth Vader as step partners. LOL. I can't walk like I used to because I hurt my knee this summer playing tennis (I heard a pop when I turned). I've been doing the Total Gym every other day, so hopefully something will give. All I want to do is fit into the clothes that are in my closet (shrink 2 sizes), and shrink my bust size. I hate my DDs. Enough wallowing.
I'm so upset about my book (that I've been working on since 2006). I decided to take out the chapter breaks and just write, because it was feeling disjointed, with every other chapter jumping into the past. I seperated the past from the present, and I'm going to write both sections at the same time. I want to integrate both sections into one. I am having so much trouble with time transitions. I've been reading everything I can just to get the right understanding with it. My story doesn't happen in one day (like The DaVinci Code and all the rest of Dan Brown's books). I've got to figure this out.
The Weekday Grind
I'm about to start writing (no matter how bad it is, in my mind at least, because it's not flowing). I just wanted to say how orgasmic my new goal picture is. That's the hair I want. I don't care how long it gets (I'm never cutting it so...). I think SOMETIME NEXT YEAR, I'm going to dye it honey blonde (Dark & Lovely). With my hair being as dark as it is, it shouldn't lighten up to a honey blonde. It will probably be darker. I can't wait.
I love my hair journey. In just 5 months, I'll have celebrated my 1 year big chop anniversary. It feels easy, thanks to lace wigs. I could never really do the weave thing. I was embarrassed to wear the BSS wigs because they just didn't sit natural on me. I did the bonding thing a couple of times, because it would lay flatter, but I was still limited with styling choices. Lace wigs kicked the damn door down when I discovered them. I will always wear them when I want my hair to be a little longer than it is. Now that my hair is long enough, I'm thinking about getting a curly wig and sewing it to a perimeter braid and really wearing it for longer periods of time, like a month. Maybe like a 12-14 inch; something that hits on the shoulders. Then I would remove it, clean it, clean my head thoroughly, rebraid my hair, and re-installing it. I could do away with the adhesives and tape. The seed has been planted.
Speaking of lace wigs, I'm putting the hybrid (or the virgin indian) on Wednesday. We're going over to his relatives house, and they've only seen me in wigs, and I don't feel like explaining what my hair is doing.
Here's a special shout out to my FAVORITE natural curly girl, Terri LaFlesh. I stumbled upon her website Tightly Curly. She's the reason why I'm a conditioner junkie and why I purchased a Denman D3 brush. Her blog is fabulous. I just found it. It should have been the first blog I subscribed to. Her hair is AMAZING. She's coming out with a book, and I'm definitely buying it. She's the one that inspired me to grow and love my own hair. She's also a writer, so she's inspiring me in that area also. Please check her out.
Off to write!!!!
I love my hair journey. In just 5 months, I'll have celebrated my 1 year big chop anniversary. It feels easy, thanks to lace wigs. I could never really do the weave thing. I was embarrassed to wear the BSS wigs because they just didn't sit natural on me. I did the bonding thing a couple of times, because it would lay flatter, but I was still limited with styling choices. Lace wigs kicked the damn door down when I discovered them. I will always wear them when I want my hair to be a little longer than it is. Now that my hair is long enough, I'm thinking about getting a curly wig and sewing it to a perimeter braid and really wearing it for longer periods of time, like a month. Maybe like a 12-14 inch; something that hits on the shoulders. Then I would remove it, clean it, clean my head thoroughly, rebraid my hair, and re-installing it. I could do away with the adhesives and tape. The seed has been planted.
Speaking of lace wigs, I'm putting the hybrid (or the virgin indian) on Wednesday. We're going over to his relatives house, and they've only seen me in wigs, and I don't feel like explaining what my hair is doing.
Here's a special shout out to my FAVORITE natural curly girl, Terri LaFlesh. I stumbled upon her website Tightly Curly. She's the reason why I'm a conditioner junkie and why I purchased a Denman D3 brush. Her blog is fabulous. I just found it. It should have been the first blog I subscribed to. Her hair is AMAZING. She's coming out with a book, and I'm definitely buying it. She's the one that inspired me to grow and love my own hair. She's also a writer, so she's inspiring me in that area also. Please check her out.
Off to write!!!!
I Love Sundays!
Happy November everyone! I'm sitting here, dripping oil from my deep conditioning treatment (more on that later), watching Bugs Bunny, and working on my book. I Love Sundays.
Me and my loving boyfriend went on a date last night. He took me to see Michael Jackson's "This Is It" and then we had dinner at The Elephant Bar. My hair was cute. I had a headband on, and behind the headband my hair was slightly fluffed out. It's funny, but with all that textlaxing, I still got shrinkage, which is good. That means that I didn't overprocess the hair. I woke up this morning, and it's so soft. Right now, I'm deep conditioning with extra virgin olive oil on my hair, Dr. Miracle's Intensive Spot Serum on my hairline (all the way around, especially the nape), and Doo-Grow Stimulating Growth Oil in random parts all over my head. Then I wraped my hairline with saran wrap and put a shower cap over the whole head. I'll leave it on as long as I can. The dripping is getting on my nerves though.
The Michael Jackson movie
I don't even want to think of him as being dead. He was truly a performer. I saw through his dancing that he loved Fred Astaire. He was so cool. He was funny, he was gentle, he was firm, and he was loving. I think had he lived, the concerts would have put him back in good standing with the public. Honestly, I don't care what a performer does when they're not performing. They're human. All I care about is the music. He was in great singing form (except he wasn't singing when they walked through "Thriller"). He didn't look like a 50 year old. He looked like he was in his 30s, with his Ed Hardy gear on (too cute - I want some of those shirts and those pajama pants he had on). I can't wait until it's released on DVD. I'm sad that he went out like he did, but I'm so glad this was the last thing he did, that no one will ever be able to top. The way he planted himself in the old movie vignettes (with Rita Hayworth and Humphrey Bogart) was so cool for "Smooth Criminal". This concert would have been so much better than the "Dangerous from Bucharest" concert. He was sort of off his game on that one. I've always loved Michael Jackson. From the moment the movie came on, I was moving in my seat. The music makes you do that. There is one song he did that I'm looking for, that I first heard during in a Sephora store. I was trying to retain the lyrics, but I couldn't.
I will take length pictures the next time I put a lace wig on. Not thinking about doing it too soon though.
Happy Sunday!
Me and my loving boyfriend went on a date last night. He took me to see Michael Jackson's "This Is It" and then we had dinner at The Elephant Bar. My hair was cute. I had a headband on, and behind the headband my hair was slightly fluffed out. It's funny, but with all that textlaxing, I still got shrinkage, which is good. That means that I didn't overprocess the hair. I woke up this morning, and it's so soft. Right now, I'm deep conditioning with extra virgin olive oil on my hair, Dr. Miracle's Intensive Spot Serum on my hairline (all the way around, especially the nape), and Doo-Grow Stimulating Growth Oil in random parts all over my head. Then I wraped my hairline with saran wrap and put a shower cap over the whole head. I'll leave it on as long as I can. The dripping is getting on my nerves though.
The Michael Jackson movie
I don't even want to think of him as being dead. He was truly a performer. I saw through his dancing that he loved Fred Astaire. He was so cool. He was funny, he was gentle, he was firm, and he was loving. I think had he lived, the concerts would have put him back in good standing with the public. Honestly, I don't care what a performer does when they're not performing. They're human. All I care about is the music. He was in great singing form (except he wasn't singing when they walked through "Thriller"). He didn't look like a 50 year old. He looked like he was in his 30s, with his Ed Hardy gear on (too cute - I want some of those shirts and those pajama pants he had on). I can't wait until it's released on DVD. I'm sad that he went out like he did, but I'm so glad this was the last thing he did, that no one will ever be able to top. The way he planted himself in the old movie vignettes (with Rita Hayworth and Humphrey Bogart) was so cool for "Smooth Criminal". This concert would have been so much better than the "Dangerous from Bucharest" concert. He was sort of off his game on that one. I've always loved Michael Jackson. From the moment the movie came on, I was moving in my seat. The music makes you do that. There is one song he did that I'm looking for, that I first heard during in a Sephora store. I was trying to retain the lyrics, but I couldn't.
I will take length pictures the next time I put a lace wig on. Not thinking about doing it too soon though.
Happy Sunday!
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